"Free day"



  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Thanks for all your comments. I think i won't have a whole cheat day. Only maybe a cheat meal or snack once a week

    It's a good idea. But don';t call it a cheat. You can eat what you want, when you want provided it fits in your macronutrients.
  • Loasaur
    Loasaur Posts: 125
    I give myself a "treat" meal every Monday (my weigh-in day) so then I have the rest of the week to make up for it. I usually get some kind of crazy desert or fast food that I've been really wanting. :P It just works better for me that way.
  • JuliaSBoyd
    JuliaSBoyd Posts: 9 Member
    I have a free day on the day I weigh 'IF' I have lost. If I don't lose then I am back to the calories counting.

    In 18 months of using mfp I have only twice not had a free day, and that was not due to the free day, that was due to losing the plot for a few days due to stressful situations.

    As long as you don't go mad and eat majorly off plan, it shouldn't do any harm. The only way to find out if it suits you is to give it a go and see what happens.

    Good luck.
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Fridays or Saturdays are usually the days I allow myself to go over but only if we are eating out. I still try to make the rest of my meals reasonable for the day and try to look up the nutritional guide for the restaurant if it is available. If they have it, I log it and if they don't I do not worry. I am only 5 week into this, but I have lost more than a pound every week and have had a complete derial day for a birthday where I logged nothing.

    I would say see what works for you. I think whatever terminology you use is fine. Personally, I do not say I am on a diet so I am not breaking my diet. For me, if I never endulged I feel I would fall of the wagon. My mindset might change I as move along in but that is where I am at right now.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I am thinking about having a free day once a week where I am able to eat what I would like without counting each calorie. I would like to know if you have a free day or meal and if it affect your weight loss. Thanks for responses.

    I don't quite get the whole " cheat/free meal/day " idea, because it means to me that people are jumping back and forth between two lifestyles. But maybe this is easy to say for me, because I have no desire to eat chain restaurant or fast food burgers, pizza, Tex-Mex or whatever. I do treat myself every once in a while ( like with cheese sauce on my veggies, or the occasional small bag of Doritos ), but that is part of my new lifestyle and therefore I do not have to consider it " free " or " cheating ". I have so far never gone over my calories and don't plan to, because #1 I don't feel deprived and #2 I am not going to undo a couple of days of hard work with a calorie blow-out. Others of course can do as they see fit.....:o).
    And yes, I think that each time we eat more than the suggested calories it affects weight loss, either as maintenance , a smaller loss or none at all and I understand that for quite a few people it is more important to eat whatever they want instead of losing in a certain week. There are many more who stay within their calories while enjoying a treat and maybe that is an option for you also.
  • kevineneal
    kevineneal Posts: 12 Member
    Sunday is my cheat day. For one day, I eat and drink what ever I want, and then its back to work on Monday. I 've been able to do this and still lose weight and body fat %. If I didnt do it, I would probably go crazy and just give up on healthy eating
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    I am thinking about having a free day once a week where I am able to eat what I would like without counting each calorie. I would like to know if you have a free day or meal and if it affect your weight loss. Thanks for responses.

    Personally, I go with a free meal, but I still log everything, no matter how bad the end total looks
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Free meal here but once in a while (I've had 3 in 8 months) and I log everything. And still typically stay within my calories, or just 100 calories over for the whole day... Having it at breakfast or lunch helps a ton, you're less hungry the rest of the day that way. I was miserable the day I had to save up 900 calories for dinner.

    Typically I'll have something I really want (like mashed potatoes, or rib steak, or French toast) but eat healthy on the side, so it mostly fits in my calories. And I make room for a lot of treats every day really.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Thanks for all your comments. I think i won't have a whole cheat day. Only maybe a cheat meal or snack once a week

    I did this while cutting, and it was very successful, i.e. 1 meal a week where I didn't count the calories.

    One thing i'd advise though, it's about eating what you like, not how much you like. Eat slowly and stop eating when you've had enough. Don't eat past that point. If you do this and get the urge to totally stuff your face, then it's probably due to eating too few calories the rest of the time. If you can eat what you like, don't count, stop eating when you're full and go back to tracking your calories the next day, then I think that's a really good strategy.
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    free meals are the way to go
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    Not a whole DAY!! We are very social and have packed weekends...I choose one MEAL to have a few drinks or wine and eat whatever my friends serve. Sometimes I still eat pretty low cal, especially when we hang with other folks from the gym, but sometimes it's burgers on the grill and potato salad! I still stay gluten free just because of my stomach issues, and that can help hold the calories down too...
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks for all your comments. I think i won't have a whole cheat day. Only maybe a cheat meal or snack once a week

    I did this while cutting, and it was very successful, i.e. 1 meal a week where I didn't count the calories.

    One thing i'd advise though, it's about eating what you like, not how much you like. Eat slowly and stop eating when you've had enough. Don't eat past that point. If you do this and get the urge to totally stuff your face, then it's probably due to eating too few calories the rest of the time. If you can eat what you like, don't count, stop eating when you're full and go back to tracking your calories the next day, then I think that's a really good strategy.

    this is good...almost like re-training your brain.
  • Stargrace2
    Stargrace2 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't have a free day or a cheat day etc.

    I'm also not on a diet, so there's no reason for me to have those types of days. I learned portion control, and moderation with my eating which has been way more important to me. Since I've started losing weight (6 months in and 37 pounds down so far) I don't crave the junk that I used to eat. There's always a healthy alternative to anything I might want, and there are far more fulfilling foods out there. That doesn't mean that I can't have fast food, either. Quiznos and Extreme Pita (they have a 272 calorie thai pita that is absolutely amazing) are two of my favorite go-to places for a 'treat'. I maybe eat there twice a month. I drink nothing but water and 1-2 coffee a day (no sugar), and make sure to log everything (the most important part). Re-training your body as to what is a normal portion is really important.
  • mag131
    mag131 Posts: 542 Member
    I don't consider it a free day, because it sure doesn't come for free!

    I typically go over my calories on Friday or Saturday because I like to drink one or both of those nights. I earn it by saving some calories from the day for alcohol, and also by doing an extra workout the day of or the day after. I don't skip logging either.

    I work too hard to set myself back by having a full day to go hog wild with no restrictions or preventative measures.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I don't do free days... I fit my alcohol and whatever in with my lifestyle.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    For those who see it as not a lifestyle thing, I feel like it better fits my lifestyle than never going over my calorie goal. Like I said, I'm not a binger, but I do really enjoy some foods that are too calorie-dense. When I eat those whenever I like, I gain weight (30 lbs, to be exact). They just have too many calories, lol.

    If I can reduce eating them to more like a person with no weight issues, it would probably naturally work out to no more than once a week. I'm just putting a bit of discipline into my life on the subject of how often I can do what I used to do a lot.

    I can't do the whole 'save up calories for it' thing for it every time. I end up too hungry because the treats I like are so sugary or empty. And I have a bad tendency to do that too many days a week and eat mostly crap as a result, while staying within my calorie goals.

    I feel better and stay healthier if I plan a reasonable time-frame for how often I can indulge, and I still eat the good stuff I need to that day, so my sugar levels don't go insane and make me feel bad physically.

    I know I could just have a teeny slice of pie. I do know that. AAMOF I don't have treat days this time around yet. But I think they aren't a bad idea if it helps the person and gets them closer to their goal lifestyle. My goal lifestyle is fine with a big pastry every week and a half, as it turns out :)
  • hotasfire36
    hotasfire36 Posts: 235 Member
    After putting more thought into this I have also decided to give myself one day, which is my weight in day (Sat) where I go over my calories, but log everything so that I don't go too far over. I think the logging on this day will keep me accountable.
  • luckeyfrog
    luckeyfrog Posts: 10 Member
    I think it works a little differently for everyone, but here's how I feel.

    I don't want to to a cheat day or cheat meal on a "schedule." I don't say that every Saturday or every Sunday is my cheat day- but I do let myself eat when there's a reason. For example, when I went to NYC for a long weekend, or when it was my birthday, or when I spent the day at Kings Island or a family cookout- I tried to think about what I ate, but still enjoy myself. (My aunt's cheesy potatoes are to die for- and totally worth indulging on a few times a year when we all get together.) I did still track the best I could to help motivate me to get right back to a healthier plan the rest of the week, but I didn't let myself feel guilty!

    To me, if I don't let myself enjoy special occasions ever, this is not something I'll stick with long-term. I'm trying to learn a healthy balance. But I try to save my calories for more special occasions than just a certain day of the week!
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    I dont do cheats. Just eat what you want.. if its high in calories just eat less of it. Keep it under your calories. Some days I go way over but then Im under other days and it normally evens out by the end of the week.

    If I want a cookie. I have one.
    If I want some icecream I have some.
    If I want a burger I have one. Idk I just dont go hog wild. Eat the burger no fries and water or tea no soda. That way you get to eat something you crave but you dont blow 1000 calories at one sitting.

    Some weeks I will have a treat every day some weeks I hardly have any just depends on my mood. I love me some cookies...muah!!

    I think if this is going to work over the long haul you shouldnt feel as if you are depriving yourself.