Why is unhealthy food so tasty?



  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I don't blame corporations AT ALL and I don't blame ANYBODY, but I think it's a real shame that how to calculate and manipulate your TDEE is not common knowledge. This should be right up there with sex ed. You NEED to know how many calories it takes to run your body... it's like driving a car with no gas guage otherwise.

    Now that I know exactly what it takes to maintain or lose, my life is so much easier and I don't feel guilty about eating any kind of food because essentially everything on Earth is made of the same stuff. The first little while was a learning curve in the sense that some food is more satisfying than others but now that I'm groovin' it's become a piece of cake <- see what I did there? :wink:

    I heart you so hard. :flowerforyou: :love: :heart:

    Yup...nutrition should be in the schools just like sex ed. So should financial planning and the working of simple interest loans - oh and taxes too! LOL

    While I agree with a previous poster that parents should be teaching nutrition, I see too many kids who's parents don't even know where they are let alone what they are eating! I have a 17 year old attending public school and I am stunned at how little the parents of some of her friends care about what they are doing. My house is the one they all flock to because I give a piss about them all and they listen to me because of it. They eat my crazy cooking and learn about nutrition...in the summer they will help work in the garden and pick the food they help me prepare for dinner. It's cool to watch McDonalds babies start to think about what they eat!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Anyone else notice the very similar nature of the OP's posts... this thread and 'his' other thread.... have all the earmarks of another rather new poster's threads? The attempts to 'educate' everyone.

    Someone who's nick means 'lick' in French?

  • Rich food is always tasty. But i seriously regret so much after eating junk. Its like a guilty pleasure.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Keeping "healthy" food from tasting bland and boring is as simple as buying a spice rack and a recipe book.

    As a previous poster said, it's nonsense that commerce and scientific advancement are applauded in every other field, but rejected and demonized in the arena of food production.

    If only education, common sene, and personal responsibility were lauded as much as quick fixes, blame shifting, and a sense of entitlement (ie. I'm entitled to have someone else make all my healthy choices for me.) then I think we would see a drastic shift in the numbers of people who are obese and unhealthy by their own hand.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    In the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia,2 they test and tweak the perfect blend of salt, sugar and fat until it reaches something called the “bliss point” – where the taste becomes the most appealing and addicting possible.

    I basically do this in my kitchen... I want my food to be tasty and to satisfy more than just my hunger. I just do it with more than salt, sugar, and fat - I also play with a lot of spices. Thus, my oven fried chicken gets better each and every time I make it since I am constantly tweaking to get the flavors that my family and I like. And if my family likes a dish so much that it becomes a regular, I consider my cooking a success.

    So I have to cast my vote for "I don't blame them."
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Ok, serious question; why does the fact that massive corporations test their products to try and make them as marketable as possible treated by anyone as a revelation? Is it because we're talking about food products as opposed to say, web site design? Because the idea's the same; change variables in the product (fat/sugars/seasoning for mass produced food, clors and fonts and menu layouts for the site) so that people like it more.

    Is it because they're using science on the food? Is the science suppose to scare me? Hell, I'm very pro-gmo; I want more genetic modifications to my food. I want the best of human intelligence making food more abundant, more easily produced, more flexible in it's growth requirements, more resistant to fungi. I want what was started when man first grew a crop...actually, scratch that, I want what was first started when man figured out meat + fire was better than meat alone, to continue. Why oh why would food science alarm me at all, when the only reason I have food is because of science? What, you think we got 6.5 or so billion humans on this mudball with unmodified nature? Lol.

    As to food companies "manipulating" their foods to make them more appealing... spices. Multiple kinds of cookware. All the different ways to cook all the different parts of a pig. Once again, we've been manipulating the composition of our meals since we could cook, as opposed to just eating any old thing we found lying around as we found it. Is it suppose to be alarming now because we have more technology involved? Why?

    TL;DR: Can someone tell me why the science of food taste and production is now alarming, when we've been doing it for thousands and thousands of years, because I'm drawing a blank.

    This a gazillion times.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Anyone else notice the very similar nature of the OP's posts... this thread and 'his' other thread.... have all the earmarks of another rather new poster's threads? The attempts to 'educate' everyone.

    Someone who's nick means 'lick' in French?

  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member


  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    In the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia,2 they test and tweak the perfect blend of salt, sugar and fat until it reaches something called the “bliss point” – where the taste becomes the most appealing and addicting possible.
    I basically do this in my kitchen... I I am constantly tweaking to get the flavors that my family and I like. And if my family likes a dish so much that it becomes a regular, I consider my cooking a success.

    So, essentially, you are getting your family, 'addicted' to your cooking. For shame.

  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    I don't know that one can blame the fast food outlets any more than one can blame the clothing companies that create clothing for a 5xl. Both are providing something fat people want.

    I think the bent of the original posting was to highlight the aggressive production and advertising of foods that are designed and marketed to create interest in consuming unhealthy foods. Because anyone who opens a magazine watches television, uses the internet or opens their mail is subject to advertising, it's important to be aware and prepared to resist its influence especially if food issues make you vulnerable.

    I don't know that the comparison with clothing is quite valid. It is true that fat people do want clothing that fits. Addressing that market need is different, in my view, than creating it. I don't see a lot of ads enticing people to get fat so that they can wear plus-sized clothing.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I don't see lots of food ads enticing people to get fat, either. Eating food, even junk food with a big advertising budget, does not make someone fat.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Food companies spend millions every year developing tasty food products that will appeal to consumers.

    In the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia,2 they test and tweak the perfect blend of salt, sugar and fat until it reaches something called the “bliss point” – where the taste becomes the most appealing and addicting possible.

    That’s what the food giant General Mills did in 1999 when it created Yoplait, the first yogurt that contained 2X the sugar of Lucky Charms cereal while being advertised as healthy. The question is: Are they to blame? According to the CEOs of these food giants, consumers have the power of choice and could simply pick healthier foods if they wanted to.

    But we know this just doesn’t happen, and that this mindset comes with a huge price – the rise in obesity, type-2 diabetes and a ton of health problems for millions of people. So that’s what you have to fight against every day. Hundreds of scientists running huge experiments to develop the most tasty, addicting, appealing and probably fattening food products possible.

    No wonder your broccoli and chicken meal seems bland and boring. I’m convinced that one of the keys to inevitable fat loss is making sure you meals are as mouth-watering as they are fat burning.

    it's pretty simple why: Fast food nation and food giants want you to buy their products and become 'addicted' to them. The pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in this, as people's well being deteriorates, they make money from treating you.

    Couple that with powerful,strategically aimed marketing techniques, brand loyalty is signed up for life with not a contract in site.

    We have the power to be responsible for what we eat and how much...It's just easier not to.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    See I read this title "Why is unhealthy food so tasty?" and all I can think is "Why do people have to group foods into categories of healthy and unhealthy?" To each their own....... Best of Luck................
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I don't see lots of food ads enticing people to get fat, either. Eating food, even junk food with a big advertising budget, does not make someone fat.

    you miss the point totally.

    big food corporations couldn't care less if you get fat or not. They just want you to BUY their products...you said it yourself that their food is 'junk'...
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Sugar is evil.

    It's up to the individual to choose healthy foods.

    I think it's irresponsible for companies to promote a sugar laden product as healthy. People are ignorant on nutrition. Not the big companies fault. But they prey on those people. That's wrong Of course. Who says big business is ethical?

    Individuals however are responsible for themselves. I do think *all* companies and restaurants have the responsibility to make an ingredient list available to the public for all foods they sell or prepare. I'm not too worried about calorie counts, because they are off 1 serving and what you receive is often 3 or 4 servings.

    Did you know many canned tomatoes have high fructose corn syrup in them?? Why??? It's unnecessary. I supposed it makes them taste "better".. not to me.. but they add it in for a reason.

    Sugar is not unhealthy. The quantity of it that is consumed each day is.

    Plus.. if we didn't get fat and unhealthy.. what would the drug companies do with all those weight loss pills??
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Ok, serious question; why does the fact that massive corporations test their products to try and make them as marketable as possible treated by anyone as a revelation? Is it because we're talking about food products as opposed to say, web site design? Because the idea's the same; change variables in the product (fat/sugars/seasoning for mass produced food, clors and fonts and menu layouts for the site) so that people like it more.

    Is it because they're using science on the food? Is the science suppose to scare me? Hell, I'm very pro-gmo; I want more genetic modifications to my food. I want the best of human intelligence making food more abundant, more easily produced, more flexible in it's growth requirements, more resistant to fungi. I want what was started when man first grew a crop...actually, scratch that, I want what was first started when man figured out meat + fire was better than meat alone, to continue. Why oh why would food science alarm me at all, when the only reason I have food is because of science? What, you think we got 6.5 or so billion humans on this mudball with unmodified nature? Lol.

    As to food companies "manipulating" their foods to make them more appealing... spices. Multiple kinds of cookware. All the different ways to cook all the different parts of a pig. Once again, we've been manipulating the composition of our meals since we could cook, as opposed to just eating any old thing we found lying around as we found it. Is it suppose to be alarming now because we have more technology involved? Why?

    TL;DR: Can someone tell me why the science of food taste and production is now alarming, when we've been doing it for thousands and thousands of years, because I'm drawing a blank.
    I don't blame corporations AT ALL and I don't blame ANYBODY, but I think it's a real shame that how to calculate and manipulate your TDEE is not common knowledge. This should be right up there with sex ed. You NEED to know how many calories it takes to run your body... it's like driving a car with no gas guage otherwise.

    Now that I know exactly what it takes to maintain or lose, my life is so much easier and I don't feel guilty about eating any kind of food because essentially everything on Earth is made of the same stuff. The first little while was a learning curve in the sense that some food is more satisfying than others but now that I'm groovin' it's become a piece of cake <- see what I did there? :wink:

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Sugar is evil.

    Evil...I keep seeing people say this and I am beginning to genuinely think they don't understand it doesn't mean what they think it means.

    But aside from that...you say it is "evil" but then....
    Sugar is not unhealthy. The quantity of it that is consumed each day is.

    so which is it? Is sugar evil or are people responsible for their own choices?
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Ok, serious question; why does the fact that massive corporations test their products to try and make them as marketable as possible treated by anyone as a revelation? Is it because we're talking about food products as opposed to say, web site design? Because the idea's the same; change variables in the product (fat/sugars/seasoning for mass produced food, clors and fonts and menu layouts for the site) so that people like it more.

    Is it because they're using science on the food? Is the science suppose to scare me? Hell, I'm very pro-gmo; I want more genetic modifications to my food. I want the best of human intelligence making food more abundant, more easily produced, more flexible in it's growth requirements, more resistant to fungi. I want what was started when man first grew a crop...actually, scratch that, I want what was first started when man figured out meat + fire was better than meat alone, to continue. Why oh why would food science alarm me at all, when the only reason I have food is because of science? What, you think we got 6.5 or so billion humans on this mudball with unmodified nature? Lol.

    As to food companies "manipulating" their foods to make them more appealing... spices. Multiple kinds of cookware. All the different ways to cook all the different parts of a pig. Once again, we've been manipulating the composition of our meals since we could cook, as opposed to just eating any old thing we found lying around as we found it. Is it suppose to be alarming now because we have more technology involved? Why?

    TL;DR: Can someone tell me why the science of food taste and production is now alarming, when we've been doing it for thousands and thousands of years, because I'm drawing a blank.
    Because science and technology are bad, and they're coming to get you! boogaboogaboogabooga!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    The better question is why have you posted 2 fear mongering, orthorexic posts after just joining? They seem to be trolling posts also as you get in the pulpit and preach then go away and never respond to any of the arguments made. Aren't you just special?

    Maybe you need to do some "real" research before offering any more advice?
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Sugar is evil.

    Evil...I keep seeing people say this and I am beginning to genuinely think they don't understand it doesn't mean what they think it means.

    But aside from that...you say it is "evil" but then....
    Sugar is not unhealthy. The quantity of it that is consumed each day is.

    so which is it? Is sugar evil or are people responsible for their own choices?


    Cute, but evil.
