Women with Diastasis recti- Any work out tip sto help?

I just recently found out I have Diastasis recti. It's not terribly bad but still significant to be visible. I have the "kangaroo pouch" that will not go away. I used to do crunches, and planks all the time to try to reduce my stomach, but recently since finding out I have Diastasis recti I found out those are not good workouts, and can make it worse. I still squat, and jog. There is so much contradicting things online on how to help it, does anyone on here know of things I can try to help?
(For women who dont know what Diastasis recti is; (also known as abdominal separation) is a disorder defined as a separation of the rectus abdominis muscle into right and left halves.[1] Normally, the two sides of the muscle are joined at the linea alba at the body midline FROM WIKIPEDIA) Women who are pregnant get it, but women who were previously pregnant may not have fully recovered and still have it.

For people who do know what it is, and use the "finger width" measurement, I am about 2.5 finger widths wide above my belly button.


  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    The only thing that will "fix" it is surgery to reapproximate the muscles (called rectus or abdominal plication). The fascial layer between them has stretched and will never go back on its own. Contact a plastic surgeon.
  • kasey98226
    My Dr said it will never be FULLY fixed without surgery (Which I can not have... don't have the money) But that some women have seen results to minimize the looks though certain workout and veering away from others. She is a general family doctor (specializes in pregnancy, post pregnancy, and children, but the male doctor I go to at the practice sent me to her when we talked about it. She doesn't have a huge expertise in it) I am hoping to save money to go to a trainer that might have more info, but in the mean time I was hoping someone on here has had experience in working with theirs. :)