Determined to shed the Pounds

Christine2004 Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Christine I am 29 Years old and I have a five year old son name Joshua. Before Joshua I used to be a size four and lovng it. I never once had to go to the gym to exercise matter of fact I didn't even know what that was lol. My back ground is German so I grew up eating a very healthy life style and drinking lots of water. Once I became Pregnant with Josh that kind of all got blown into the wind. I figured hey I am pregnant I can eat what ever I want and the weight will just magiclly fall off when I have him. Needless to say that did not happen, I gained 60lbs got rid of all of my size 4 clothes and was misrable. I tried losing weight but was never really committed and didn't really have the mind set to lose weight. My attitude was always it will happen when it happens. Well I've been going to the gym for the last year or so and I am making little progress, my mind set is now to stay away from Junk food, go with low fat milk, cut back on Starbucks, no chips and just basically track what I eat. I have Zumba at home now and I am so into exercising that I love it. Its part of who I am now. I believe in myself and know that I can shed the pounds in no time. I am giving myself until Christmas naybe end of January to be back in my size four clothes. I was born beautiful and I intend to stay that way! :-) Before Josh I was 140lbs now I am 180lbs. 40 lbs to go :-)


  • You can do it!!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    just stick with it. It will happen. The most important thing is keep up with your food and exercise diary. You can do it
  • Good luck to you on your weight loss journey. It's not easy but this program makes it easy. It gives you no excuses and I love all the people I've met on here. It's been my life time change. You're gonna do this with the help of us and MFP. God bless you!! :smile:
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I think 20 - 25 pounds by the end of December is a more realistic and reasonable goal. You don't want to set your goal too high, so that when you don't attain it, you feel like a failure. Just tracking your food choices with this site will help you immensely and it is great that you have an exercise program you love too.
  • rahretro
    rahretro Posts: 15
    tracking what I eat on here everyday reallllly helps me!!! If i don't want to enter into the bar what I have ate or thinking about eatting then I know I probably shouldn't be eatting it! I'm with you on the gaining weight during pregnancy... I have about 60 lbs to lose in all and i'm aiming for 30 by January
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    I think 20 - 25 pounds by the end of December is a more realistic and reasonable goal. You don't want to set your goal too high, so that when you don't attain it, you feel like a failure. Just tracking your food choices with this site will help you immensely and it is great that you have an exercise program you love too.

    I agree. 20-25 pounds does sound more realistic. Remember, it's about gradual loss and a more permanent change in lifestyle. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by Dec. 4. Add me as a friend, and we'll do it together!
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