GF Vegetarian Protein options aside from bars & shakes

I used to always be a vegetarian so I knew how to get my protein that way. Though not the healthiest, that would consist of some Gardein, Boca and Morningstar products for lunches or dinners. I'd also have beans, eggs, and nuts, but those in themselves were never enough to get me to my protein macro. Now I'm GF (since my doctor thinks it'd be best for my stomach, and I have noticed how better it feels) but I realized that I'm getting too little protein now. I can't eat any of the fake meat products I used to eat since they all contain wheat gluten, and I've never liked tofu, so now I'm just getting my protein from greek yogurt, eggs, and beans, really. I've heard quinoa is GF and has protein in it, but it really doesn't have all that much protein in it at all. And I'm struggling to reach my macro. (SO much greek yogurt haha, I go through like three of those 6oz containers daily :P and though I love it, I'm wishing I had more variety with getting protein) I occasionally have a protein bar at lunch time, but the ones I have to buy that are GF are really expensive. Any suggestions for gf, vegetarian protein ideas that are healthy? Any help is appreciated!! :happy:
