Help me make today a GOOD DAY

I'm a mom and full time college student (and did i mention pregnant with my 3rd? ) haha. Anyways- thursday are my long day at school (9am-11pm). I always tend to eat 2 or 3 of my meals out and don't want to this week since I'm watching calories! Any suggestions? Guess that might be hard since you can't see in my fridge or pantry! haha. I dont care for cereal- so I need some suggestions on something else? I dont like oatmeal either. IN fact, im not a breakfast person- which i whyi got in the habit when i was young of skipping it- and then pigging out around 3pm when i was starving after school. Anyways- and if I do need to eat out for dinner- my choices are McDonalds, Taco Bell or Burger King. What's the least amount of calories that will fill me up? (ie no chocolate milkshakes from BK- a medium runs 760 calories!!!!!!!!!!) Like if I go to Taco Bell- what's the best decision? I usually get Baja Beef Gorditas but I read that mens health article and those are about the worst food on their list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    I'm a mom and full time college student (and did i mention pregnant with my 3rd? ) haha. Anyways- thursday are my long day at school (9am-11pm). I always tend to eat 2 or 3 of my meals out and don't want to this week since I'm watching calories! Any suggestions? Guess that might be hard since you can't see in my fridge or pantry! haha. I dont care for cereal- so I need some suggestions on something else? I dont like oatmeal either. IN fact, im not a breakfast person- which i whyi got in the habit when i was young of skipping it- and then pigging out around 3pm when i was starving after school. Anyways- and if I do need to eat out for dinner- my choices are McDonalds, Taco Bell or Burger King. What's the least amount of calories that will fill me up? (ie no chocolate milkshakes from BK- a medium runs 760 calories!!!!!!!!!!) Like if I go to Taco Bell- what's the best decision? I usually get Baja Beef Gorditas but I read that mens health article and those are about the worst food on their list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BlazinEmerald
    It's just as easy , or easier in some ways to get some little containers and pack your lunch and snacks and take them with you. Spring is deffinately here, take your food and have a nice sit outside for lunch.

    can easily take boiled eggs for protien - breakfast

    Lunch - make a sandwhich - Schneider's Lifestyles Fat free Ham, turkey,chicken are all very good, whole wheat bread, tsp mustard, lettuce , tomato.
    Baby Dill Pickles are only 15 cal for 3 of them

    Mix up a fruit melody take it for a snack with some yogurt

    There are tons of light weight foods you can pack around with you

    Best of luck to you
  • vldowd
    vldowd Posts: 74 Member
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    ohh thanks- those sound good! Guess I have to get in the habit of taking the time to make a lunch! I know I should do it- but usually put it off until it's too late and then think "omg my stomach is growling" as i'm running out the door!
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    When I go to Taco Bell, I always get something off of the Fresco Menu. They take off the sour cream and cheese and put on a pretty good light salsa. You can cut out a few grams of trans fat this way, and once you get used to it, it tastes better.

    Burger King has a veggie burger, which if you ask for no mayo, ketchup, etc. could be...Well, at least healthier than a Whopper!

    When I eat a McDonald's, I always get their fruit and walnut salad (the big one), and don't eat the walnuts. If I REALLY need a sandwich (or fries), I'll get a happy meal. It's not the healthiest choice, but the portion control is there.

    Can you tell my husband likes to eat out a lot? :tongue:

    Good luck!
  • ladydi
    ladydi Posts: 88 Member
    My trick to eating out is going to Wendy’s they have value meals that you can pick the sides for I always get a grilled chicken sandwich and a side salad with a coke zero. All restaurants now a days have healthier choices on their menus you just have to look.
  • ligytha
    ligytha Posts: 130
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I usually get a grilled chicken wrap and fruit n yogurt parfait or apples from mcd's.
    BK is trickier although I am pretty sure they are following on the grilled chicken wrap thing. You can buy the chicken pouch that they put on the salads by itself and any burger/chicken sandwich you can get low carb and they will give it to you in a salad dish with the all the veggie toppings and no bun. Chili isn't a bad choice either.
    Stay away from the bk iced coffee though it is made with half coffee and half shake mix. Sneaky sneaky adding all those unsuspecting calories. Don't know if that is how every one makes it but I don't take chances no more.
  • MFS27
    MFS27 Posts: 549 Member
    All of the ideas posted above are great, however, if you just can't say no to the burger and fries - get the kid's meal. It's cheaper too, lol.

    Wendy's has fabulous kids meal - simple sandwich with ham or turkey, and you can subsitute the fries for yougurt (get some calcium in there!) or fruit.
  • gemini78
    gemini78 Posts: 8
    McDonalds has a great nutrition calculator on their site. You can go on there and bag your meal and play around with your options. None of your choices are horrible except maybe the big mac and whopper it's all about portion control really, smaller fries, single patty cheeseburgers, etc.
  • Rachel89
    Rachel89 Posts: 68
    If you go out... Split whatever you have in half.... Get a 2 go box before you order... (if it's a sit down restaurant) and take what you have and split it in half RIGHT when you get it and you can't eat the whole thing