Pre and Post Workout Snacks

I was curious as to how important pre and post workout snacks are..
I am having trouble getting the results from my morning workouts as I do from my afternoon ones and I am curious if it is related to the amount of food I have eaten...
When I work out in the morning I usually just get up and go. Occasionally if I am planning on a longer workout I will scarf down 1/4 cup of cottage cheese with some berries or something, but this is probably only 10-20 minutes before my workout. Then after my workout, I shower and have a real breakfast..
With my nighttime workouts, I usually either workout about 2-3 hours after my lunch and then start dinner immediately after when I get home or workout about an hour or so after dinner. It is obvious to me that these workouts are much more productive than my morning work outs.

So do you think it is the lack of food I have in the morning during my workouts that is hindering my ability to burn as many calories or another factor?
Any help/opinions/advice would be appreciated! Even if it is just what you eat for pre/post workout snacks or if you too don't necessarily stick to eating on a schedule based on your workouts!