Rewarding Yourself

So everytime I weigh myself and see a drop on the scale, I have this terrible habit of "rewarding" myself with junk food that day, so obviously after a couple days, there's no longer a loss! I eat very healthy most of the time, but have a problem with the overall calories! So, what do you do to reward yourself for weight loss that doesn't involve fast food, candies, and all the other bad foods?? I know just the weight loss alone should be enough, but I can't break myself out of this habit of "rewards" so I feel like if I could find something else to indulge in, I can at least keep losing!


  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    Put a small amount of money in a jar for each lb lost then reward yourself when you reach your goal by shopping for some clothes that fit!
  • littlenature
    I'm all about the rewards! I tend to either buy myself something like a new body butter or lovely bath products, and then have a pamper session. In my mind, that ties in with looking after my body as well. Even just having a really long bath or letting myself sleep late at the weekend or something is a reward. It's like 'well done, nature, you did good!' and it makes me feel good as well so I'm less likely to even want to eat crap!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member

    I reward myself with food. I fit it in my day (at least try to) and move on.

    Non-food rewards for me are new music for my mp3 player, new athletic gear for workouts (shoes, shorts, weights, etc.), and movies on DVD.
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    I love rewards!! I use a money jar to and put in $20.00 per pound to go toward a new wardrobe when I hit 50 pounds lost.

    I also reward my fitness goals achieved with smaller rewards like a manicure or pedicure or a new set of running shoes when I hit 200 miles ran/walked.

  • CaraRahl
    CaraRahl Posts: 72 Member
    For my daily workouts my post-workout snack is my reward for finishing (1/4 cup of my homemade superfood trail mix) which I plan for in my daily calorie intake, but for larger goals I have specific rewards planned. For example, by the beginning of next summer I want to have my belly and backside toned for swimming season, and my reward will be buying myself my first ever bikini. My other big goal at the moment is getting all the way through one of Fitness Blender's 1000 calorie workouts...although I haven't figured out my reward for that one yet.

    For rewards things like facials or a mani/pedi could be nice, or maybe buying that new book or movie that you want, or give yourself some time playing your favorite game...anything so long as it is a special treat for you.