Inhibiting Angio-genesis to inhibit obesity?

Hi all,

Just came across this TED Talk by Dr. William Li. The object of his research was to study how the inhibition of blood vessel proliferation "starves" cancerous tumors. Blood vessel proliferation (i.e. angio-genesis) is how cancer grows in the body--otherwise, any tiny cancerous tumour would languish harmlessly. There are drugs that are useful to that end but interestingly, he studied certain foods and looked at how they inhibited the proliferation of blood vessels. The researchers were startled to note that some foods were more potent vascularization inhibitors than were pharmaceuticals AND there was a synergistic effect from including a variety of these foods in the diet! What is even more amazing, is that they discovered that inhibiting angio-genesis in genetically obese mice took those mice back to a normal weight and kept them there as long as the inhibitors were being administered. This suggests a possibly even bigger role for certain foods in preventing and "curing" obesity. (From my own personal observation, I have noted the connection between "eating clean" and my continued success in the loss of body fat.) You'll have to watch the video to get the list of foods which are potent angio-genesis inhibitors. One tidbit--elagic acid (present in strawberries) is a potent inhibitor of angio-genesis. One more piece of evidence that WHAT you eat is as important to overall reduction of body fat (and cancer) as is the total number of calories.
