How much should I weigh?

I am 5' and .5" tall. So 60.5 inches. My goal is 125 maintaining it then slowly going down to 115 as my minimum. I know some girls who are my height who weigh 90 but I think it's very unhealthy. For me I am a curvy person who has hips & boobs no matter what I weigh. So my question is this: is the goal weight of not going below 115 good? Or should I weigh less? The last time I was 125 I wore a size 5 & small top. Then when I was 120 I was about a 3. I don't really wish to be a 1 since I'm also 20. I like my curves, just I gain most of my weight in my stomach....thanks for helping!


  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    Small frame is 117-130, medium frame is 127-141, large frame is 137-155lbs. Hope this helps!!!
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    I am 5 ft 8 and I've weighed as much as 190 lbs and as little as 115. The higher number was when I was eating a highly processed, hit fat diet and the 115 was when I was restricting myself to 900 calories a day and walking 4 miles per day.

    For me, the answer is (and I emphasize for me): How healthfully can I live and what will my weight be when I'm am consistently living healthfully.

    Right now, I'm 138 lbs, working out 6 hours a week (combinations of weight training, high intensity cardio, yoga), eating a primarily clean vegetarian diet focused on high nutrient foods.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Theres no right answer, depends how much muscle etc you have. Probably better off aiming for a certain body fat % rather than a certain weight
  • iluvmycat234
    Thanks! I'm more of a medium frame. I have pretty broad shoulders
  • lilacinfinity
    lilacinfinity Posts: 283 Member
    Small frame is 117-130, medium frame is 127-141, large frame is 137-155lbs. Hope this helps!!!

    she's 5' 0.5" not 5'5"
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    I think where ever you feel good at is good for you. I am about your height.. I am 4'11". My goal is to be between 110-115. My dr told me not to go below 100 lbs but that range was where I was last happiest.
  • raptor2112
    raptor2112 Posts: 3 Member
    Doctor's use the BMI calculation as a quick and inexpensive way to determine a healthy weight range. It estimates body fat percentage based on height, weight and gender. The BMI is not perfect but a place to start.

    try the following website and fill in the form specific to you. The range you are looking for is under the tab 'healthy weight'.

    The reason that I say it is not perfect is that it doesn't take all the factors into account. I know someone in the military that was not eligible for promotion and threatened to be kicked out because BMI showed him to be overweight. He played football and was one of the leanest muscular people I've met. After a period of time being pushed by the military over his weight, they paid for him to have his fat percentage measured by a lab. His percentage was in the 10 to 15 % range which is below what is normally considered healthy; however, for an athlete of this nature is probably ideal.

    I hope this helps.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I am that height & I aim for 140 because I want an ars and I lift...
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    there is no exact ideal. :3
    how you look/feel your best is your ideal weight.
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
    I am 5' 1.5" and weigh 126. I was aiming for 118. I got down to 120 and my husband said I looked to thin. Several people at work said I needed to stop losing weight. Was looking unhealthy. I was really happy with 122 so that is probably where I will stop. Guess where ever you feel comfortable is the weight that is best for you.
  • Adrianachiarato
    Adrianachiarato Posts: 362 Member
    I personally like BMI 22. So 112-113 would be good for you.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Marilyn Monroe was a size 12. Nuff Said!
  • melham
    melham Posts: 233 Member
    5'1" and 99 pounds, which I think is perfectly fine. 21% BF, which I'm working on lowering.
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    Theres no right answer, depends how much muscle etc you have. Probably better off aiming for a certain body fat % rather than a certain weight

    This. I'm the same height as you. More than 2x your age though. I weigh 98. I starts mfp in March at 114. I was all mush though. As I started working out, my body settled here. Other times I've been cocnsitently active, my weight settles at 98-103.

    Everyone is different.
  • melham
    melham Posts: 233 Member
    Marilyn Monroe was a size 12. Nuff Said!
    I am by no means trying to start a fight here, but a size 12 in those days was a lot smaller than a size 12 is today.
  • Kate814
    Kate814 Posts: 145
    Weight isn't always the best (or even a good) indication of health/ ideal body. I'm 5'7'' and 145, but most people guess my weight closer to 115. Gaining muscle will make the numbers on the scale increase, but you won't look any bigger. Instead you'll usually look smaller.
  • celesteoglesby
    I am 5 feet 6 inches. I weigh118. I am 48 years old. I have size 0-6 in my closet......all fit. It is all about how you feel. I struggle daily with this. I think I am to lean, but the number on the scale is appealing. I have no answers, just empathy. Hang in there.
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    Marilyn Monroe was a size 12. Nuff Said!
    I am by no means trying to start a fight here, but a size 12 in those days was a lot smaller than a size 12 is today.

    But Marilyn Monroe was by no stretch of the imagination skinny. But she was effing gorgeous.
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    I am 5 feet 6 inches. I weigh118. I am 48 years old. I have size 0-6 in my closet......all fit. It is all about how you feel. I struggle daily with this. I think I am to lean, but the number on the scale is appealing. I have no answers, just empathy. Hang in there.

    Oh, yeah, clothing sizes mean nothing. My jeans are all different sizes. I try them on. If they fit, that is the size I need.
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    No matter how short you are anything under 100 is a little scary to me, I feel like I'll break you honestly, no offense. Try shooting for in between 110-125 or whatever feels comfortable.