Seeming to need a nap now...hrmm

Started this about 2 weeks ago, and now it would seem with the stepped up physical activity, I need naps more during each day..guessing this is not unusual...just find it funny that when I was younger, PT never bugged me. Now I come home, take my uniform off and want to just lie down for a good 1/2hr to 45 mins... :P

On a good note, I had a Wawa Shorti sub today, stuck to my calories, and the scale actually read 199.6... .2 less than my dead weight this morning...metabolisms are funny things....;)


  • dfwtxmissy
    dfwtxmissy Posts: 102
    You must be east coast because there are tons of WAWA father in law is in New Jersey...I giggle every time we go by one...they are awesome...and good job a good sandwich that doesn't affect my calories...oh yes!