I'm new...ish, calling all binge-eaters!

Hi all,

My name's Lyn, I'm 27 and am from NY. I've been an emotional/stress eater since I was a teenager, and this past year it's almost like a binge food addiction. I hide from the world and binge after work. Only my therapist and parents know - but really, my therapist is the only one who knows the true (and terrible) intensity of the situation. I have a boyfriend and he's an amazing inspiration - he's very into fitness ironically and it has only rubbed off on me so much because I'm a chronic yo-yo'er. He used to be obese a few years before I met him, and actually now weighs a little less than me. While I am overweight and it is obvious, most people are shocked when they know my actual weight - it's because my height really stretches it all out. Still, I'm overweight and so tired of living in this disgusting body. I've been yo-yo'ing a lot...and I hate that he (and others close to me) see me go through phases when I'm really in it, and then inevitably fall out. I think a part of me must be afraid of succeeding. But I'm SO done with this, if I don't stop now my life will end sooner than it ever should. I deserve to FEEL beautiful on both the outside and inside. I deserve to FEEL what self-confidence feels like, and know that I've earned it - blood, sweat, and tears.

I need people who can relate really stick with me and help me see this through! It would be so appreciated, and I'll certainly help and support you in whatever way I possibly can. That is my promise. Whatever it takes, even if we text each other when we don't have internet access!

Here are some of my thoughts:

- 1200 minutes of working out per month (5 days per week of 60 minute workouts)
- Blogging my journey at least a few days a week
- Full-body pictures as I go for inspiration
- Marker board that I'll update at the end of every day for how many days I've been binge-free :)

Who's with me? What's your story? It's time.



  • blue_byrd
    blue_byrd Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. I just want to encourage you and tell you that you can definitely do this! :) Awareness is majority of the fight, in my opinion. Good luck! Can't wait to hear about your success!!
  • RuthRW
    RuthRW Posts: 247 Member
    Recovering emotional eater who is over halfway to goal :-) My therapist still has a hard time believing I topped out at 255 lbs! You can do this, I will be happy to encourage you! Friend request sent.
  • I am 21 and I had weight problems in the beginning of highschool, I hated it, I lost weight then went from 160 down to 135. Now I'm 170 lbs and feel miserable about myself. I start working out and eating healthier for a week or so, then I just quit. I'm changing that right now as well. I know you can do this, and I know I can to. I'll cheer you on. We got this! :smile:
  • nursesrun19
    Your post sounds all too familiar, although I haven't had the courage to seek help/talk to anyone about my issues. Kudos to you, as that in and of itself is extremely courageous. I have been at this seriously for about two months now, although over the past 5 months I have been losing weight. The wake up call for me was reaching an all time high weight and seeing two of my sons creeping closer to being overweight. The realization that my issues were transferring to them was a huge motivation.

    I definitely binge, and yo-yo. Over the years I bounce around from overweight to obese, and can't seem to stay at a maintenance weight for anything. I tend to do really well, get to the 150-160's and then it just dies out and I start slipping. For whatever reason, even when I know I am gaining it seems like it's ok. There's always a reason, an excuse, and the guilt that goes with them.

    I am happy to offer support, words of encouragement, etc., and could definitely use some from time to time too. :)
  • irelyn
    You guys are awesome, thank you for being so kind! It would be easy to judge my story. There's so many details I didn't touch on, because how do you sum up your life in one post? You can't.

    I forgot to mention I was even heavier when I originally joined MFP in June 2011, a whopping 242 lbs. Now I'm 225 lbs. I also forgot to mention I certainly don't mean to come off like I talk lightly about binge eating. It's serious, and I feel like I'm in no control when it's happening. It's like it's not even me - I just get in this terrible state of mind, and am trying to escape everything. And I feel it's disgusting and I'm always mad at myself after. Such a terrible, vicious cycle. I want to heal on my own, and I know I'm back in the right place. I should have never left. Like they say, "If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up."

  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    Hi my name is Kaylee and I'm a binge-eater. It's been 12 days since my last binge.

    There should be a B.E.A group - binge-eaters anonymous!
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I was a binge eater until recently .... my issue was junk food. Mainly because I was bored and wanted something to eat to combat the boredom. Junk food was my comfort food. But of course I gained 30 lbs and hit rock bottom in the process.

    I have now given up my bad habits and am doing well. Eating is just comfortable and easy. Until it gets out of hand.

    I wish all us binge eaters success in their journeys.
  • pickyniki87
    I feel the same way. My issue is the sweets. I can't control myself around them and will eat and eat until my stomach hurts. I am a teacher so there are ALWAYS treats in the lounge and it is so hard not to eat them. I stress eat. I work out daily and have been using MyfitnessPal, but still binge. I am trying to get better but need support on the "bad days". You are not alone.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
  • JennNEWYou
    Its glad to hear I'm not the only one going through this! Like yourself I've been emotional/stress eating since high school. Feel free to add me so we can work on this together :)
  • chelc1105
    chelc1105 Posts: 36 Member
    I am an emotional binge eater as well. Feel free to add me :) I try my hardest to comment on everything :)
  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    I've been known to binge... It's so hard to control.

    Add me. We can figure this out together...
  • Cheechos
    Welcome to your new journey! I hope you keep your therapist up to date with your state of mind as you try to manage things so they can help you get through any rough patches or inclinations towards unhealthy shortcuts. Best of luck to you. (:
  • irelyn
    May I shamelessly ask you all to follow my blog?

    I would appreciate the comments be there as I go along :) And of course, messages welcome!
  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm also a binge eater. All sorts of sweets are my weakness, can't have them in the house. Unfortunately, when I go to the grocery store hungry I buy all kinds of bad stuff. Really trying to figure out what all my triggers are so I can avoid it from happening. Feel free to add me, the more friends the merrier! :flowerforyou:
  • arouse0930
    I'm a binge eater also. I'm doing better, but still a work in progress. I'm taking it one day at a time. I wish you the best. Sending a friend request.
  • xXxFallen_AngelxXx

    I'm a huge binge/emotional eater as well- and recently I've decided to stop that habit because I'm starting to gain weight..... I'd be more than happy to work with you and add you!!!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I am a recovering binge eater. Now I try to be a binge exerciser. I walk or climb stairs or get some kind of exercise before I let myself eat. Usually, like tonight, that keeps me from bingeing. If not, at least I worked off some calories and I always eat less after exercise.

    Sending a friend request. You can do it. :-)
  • katiebailey90
    I am DEFINITELY an emotional eater.

    I am sick of letting food feel like its ruling my life!!!

    I am starting Jillian Michael's ripped in 30 tonight... Anyone want to join? I've had some success but never really fully committed to the program.

    I want to love shopping again and love working out again.

    Feel free to add me! The more friends the better chance we will make it!!

    Stay motivated. We can all do this.

    We fail because we don't strike the iron while it's hot. We don't take immediate action toward achieving what we want. We decide to wait until tomorrow, or next week, or even next month.

    THE TIME IS NOW! You will never be this young ever again... let's get down to business and get healthy!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member

    I'm on this group, and it's great! They have a monthly binge challenge that I find very motivating! Feel free to add me as friend for support .:smile: