20s weight loss

Hi I'm new and need a good support friend to help keep me on track what are your tricks to keep the motivation im a yo yo dieter so I'm looking for some advice


  • init2fitit
    init2fitit Posts: 168 Member
    My advice would be to stop yo-yo dieting. It's bad for the ol' organs.
    But welcome!
    There really is not trick. You just eat less, move more, and hydrate yourself.
  • shaqkhi
    Looking to loose 15lbs in 3 months by jan1 2014...I am open to anything...I run 6 miles on Sundays and around 4 during the week...I count my calories...working out if I should do smaller ,regular meals against larger less frequent meals...
    I'm going to do it...I am determined just would like to know what works..
  • shaqkhi
    I'm also on unicity core products...