Cardio or Strength



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I would mainly focus on weight training with a good program like Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, New Rules for Lifting for Woman, or the like. I would still do your walking, which by the way is cardio if you go at a good brisk pace, and other cardio, but the main focus I would say should be weight training.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    You should do both. One is just as important as the other but for different reasons. Cardio will benefit your heart and blood pressure. Stregth training will build lean muscle and improve overall metabolism. If weight loss is the goal, low weight and high reps will get you there. With cardio, for it to be effective, you need to get to your heart rate up and maintain it for at least 20 minutes.

    To clarify, do not go light weight and high reps. The purpose to is preserve as much strength and lean muscle as possible while in a deficit. Reducing the intensity by moving less heavy weights won't accomplish this.

    Strength training will build lean muscle and improve overall metabolism - You're right about this in a caloric surplus with proper training stimulus and intensity. However, is OP is in a caloric deficit lean muscle gains won't occur. Unless they are new to training.