Anyone with IBS, Food intolerances or digestive disorders?



  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I had blood testing done (Igg) to test for food sensitivities which is different than allergies. Bad part, not recognized by insurance so you have to pay for it yourself, pretty pricey but so glad I did it. Had to remove at least 28 foods from my diet that caused me problems and most of them I was eating every single day. All good for you, healthy foods such as Asparagus, broccoli, lemons, all melons, all gourds, vanilla, both bakers and brewer's yeast, bananas, cauliflower, kale, peppers (all), pinieapple, giner, eggs (yolks and whites) carrots, cherries, apricots, white potatoes (no biggie), tomatoes and am gluten free. After removing these foods within 48 hours I felt amazing and my physicals clues cleared up, my lips stopped turning red, blistery, burning, etc. I have been able to lose 15 lbs, sleep better, poop everyday, etc. I am under the care of a dr. too. I would never have know to remove all these foods. Good luck with getting everything under control.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I had an intolerance to milk for about a month due to a stomach virus that I got. Now I know what people go through with this type of condition. It sucks! I couldn't eat or drink anything with lactose/lactate, whey, casein, or any other milk protein. Luckily mine was temporary (it could have become permanent) and I've just recently been able to eat milk products in smaller amounts again. There is so many hidden milk proteins in foods that you'd never suspect, like lunch meat and some of my Rx meds. Who knew?

    Those of you who have to deal with this for the rest of your lives have my utmost sympathies. I've walked a mile in your shoes and don't want to do it again, EVER!

    Losing whey and casein and greek yogurt as a staple snack and post workout protein source was my biggest obstacle. I have to rely on egg whites, so I am constantly cooking. Ugh. I miss my protein shakes.

    Yep, I've finally had to come to the realization that even whey doesn't do my tummy good. I have zero dairy in my diet (sometimes even almond milk makes my stomach hurt). I really watch my calcium, and if I'm really low I take a woman's multi-vitamin. I eat soy cheese, although there is a coconut cheese out right now that I can't wait to try. No more protein shakes for me, so I eat hemp hearts and chia seeds. It's a pain keeping your macros in order when you've cut out an entire food group, but being able to eat without having digestive issues is nice. I also have a huge intolerance to coffee and most caffeine, man does that suck on a Monday morning, but I drink tea like it's going out of style. If you need any help with recipes and ideas, feel free to add me, I cook daily.
  • GymRatGirl13
    GymRatGirl13 Posts: 157 Member
    I had an intolerance to milk for about a month due to a stomach virus that I got. Now I know what people go through with this type of condition. It sucks! I couldn't eat or drink anything with lactose/lactate, whey, casein, or any other milk protein. Luckily mine was temporary (it could have become permanent) and I've just recently been able to eat milk products in smaller amounts again. There is so many hidden milk proteins in foods that you'd never suspect, like lunch meat and some of my Rx meds. Who knew?

    Those of you who have to deal with this for the rest of your lives have my utmost sympathies. I've walked a mile in your shoes and don't want to do it again, EVER!

    Losing whey and casein and greek yogurt as a staple snack and post workout protein source was my biggest obstacle. I have to rely on egg whites, so I am constantly cooking. Ugh. I miss my protein shakes.

    Yep, I've finally had to come to the realization that even whey doesn't do my tummy good. I have zero dairy in my diet (sometimes even almond milk makes my stomach hurt). I really watch my calcium, and if I'm really low I take a woman's multi-vitamin. I eat soy cheese, although there is a coconut cheese out right now that I can't wait to try. No more protein shakes for me, so I eat hemp hearts and chia seeds. It's a pain keeping your macros in order when you've cut out an entire food group, but being able to eat without having digestive issues is nice. I also have a huge intolerance to coffee and most caffeine, man does that suck on a Monday morning, but I drink tea like it's going out of style. If you need any help with recipes and ideas, feel free to add me, I cook daily.

    How does caffiene affect you? Just curious...
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I had an intolerance to milk for about a month due to a stomach virus that I got. Now I know what people go through with this type of condition. It sucks! I couldn't eat or drink anything with lactose/lactate, whey, casein, or any other milk protein. Luckily mine was temporary (it could have become permanent) and I've just recently been able to eat milk products in smaller amounts again. There is so many hidden milk proteins in foods that you'd never suspect, like lunch meat and some of my Rx meds. Who knew?

    Those of you who have to deal with this for the rest of your lives have my utmost sympathies. I've walked a mile in your shoes and don't want to do it again, EVER!

    Okay, I'm not completely over it yet. I ate a bunch of Caramel candy last night and am paying the price for that now with nausea and diarrhea. Ugh! And oops! That's what I get for cheating on my diet, I guess.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member

    How does caffiene affect you? Just curious...

    Same way dairy does...severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea. I have tried everything, and caffeine just doesn't sit well. No more skinny lattes from Starbucks, that was the hardest thing lol I've tried diluting coffee, different kinds of caffeinated teas, nope, still get the poops. (FYI, steak does this to me as well, i can have 1 bite of steak, but after that it's hell)
  • lauranneuk
    lauranneuk Posts: 21 Member
    I have Coeliac Disease x
  • nooky82
    nooky82 Posts: 9 Member
    I think I have this... how did you get diagnosed?

    I have been gluten free for 2 years but that alone does not help. I know that if I eat VERY low sugar and certain VERY clean food I do well. If I stray I gain weight so easily and have all kinds of trouble.

    Would love to hear more of the specific diet.

    Hello, its diagnosed by a hydrogen breath test, which is the same as how lactose intolerance and SIBO are diagnosed. Google "low fodmap" diet... it has changed my life. it has made me realise, wow, ive had digestive issues for a lot longer than I thought. I feel your pain. I feel like all I have to do is smell the wrong food and I gain weight!!!
    What do you find you have the worst reactions with??
  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I have IBS, cant do dairy, and also just found out I have hiatus hernia
  • nooky82
    nooky82 Posts: 9 Member

    How does caffiene affect you? Just curious...

    Same way dairy does...severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea. I have tried everything, and caffeine just doesn't sit well. No more skinny lattes from Starbucks, that was the hardest thing lol I've tried diluting coffee, different kinds of caffeinated teas, nope, still get the poops. (FYI, steak does this to me as well, i can have 1 bite of steak, but after that it's hell)
    Caffiene is one of those strange things that affects me in all sorts of ways. if im having IBS C it actually helps me but I cant have it past midday because I cant sleep and if I have more than 3 cups of coffee I get D
  • nooky82
    nooky82 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there! I don't have your exact issues, but I have to take a medication for insulin resistance (metformin) that can cause pretty severe digestive issues if I eat certain foods. The good news is when I eat pretty cleanly (lots of veggies, lean meat, some fat but not fried foods or things like that) I feel well, and my diet does well. The bad news is when I stray from my diet, I get hit with the double whammy of bad news on the scale and time in the restroom. Sigh. What kind of questions/issues is your situation raising for you?
    How does insulin resistance affect you??
  • nooky82
    nooky82 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello fellow dodgy-tummy sufferers!

    I have IBS which was triggered by severe food poisoning/gastro about 3 years ago. It's not too severe, eating greasy or fried foods often makes it worse. If i eat fairly healthily then I can control it. I tend to get very bloated after any large amount of food. This is irritating.

    However, this post seems so apt, as this morning I had a severe drop in blood sugar. This has happened to me about 10-15 times over the last 6 years. I eat breakfast, then a few hours later, I start feeling sick and weak, which escalates into feeling faint and shivery. I ate a biscuit and within 5 minutes felt slightly better. I have done some research on this and think I may have reactive hypoglycemia.

    Do you think these two things could be linked? advice?
    Fructose Malabsorption is definitely linked to hypogycemia, and I would think IBS has a link too because IBS is an inability to absorb sugars. I find if I don't have a light snack between meals I get very weak, tired and moody :P