SEVERE itching on legs???

does anyone else get SEVERE...I mean SEVERE itching of the legs when they walk/jog???

It starts after 7-15 minutes of walk/jog intervals in my quads/hams/behind knees and then works its ways down to ankles and up to torso. I am trying to push through, but it is near impossible as the intensity of the itch is insane! The only thing that makes it stop is stopping and putting cool water/compresses on them. I tried the Benadryl as recommended by someone here, but that did nothing. It does NOT happen when I bike or play volleyball.

I am starting to think walk/jogging just isn't going to work for me.

Anyone have this?


  • SimplyDenyse
    SimplyDenyse Posts: 124 Member
    I get it too.. Its miserable. I notice however it happens more in cooler weather or when I go for a walk/jog for the first time after not being active for a while. I think it has something to do with the blood flow. When it happens though I try to tough it out and end up rushing home and jumping in the shower.. and my legs are BRIGHT rashy red.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I get this too. It's very annoying! Most commonly it's cholinergic urticaria but it can even be a sign of a more serious allergy.
  • AbbieMelissa7
    AbbieMelissa7 Posts: 7 Member
    I also get this and ended up quitting the gym last year over it. I have tried near enough every sport and it happens all the time, even swimming.

    Did you find a way to maintain it or just battle through it?
  • Dermatitis?

    I know if I work out pretty hard I get the same symptoms and a bit of a heat rash.

    I went to the doctors and got prescribed a mild steroid cream which touch woods keeps it under control.

    Try and drink lots of water and keep hydrated, moistorise your whole body after getting out of a shower too.

    Another cause could be varicose veins?
  • bchall1111
    bchall1111 Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds like Cholinergic Urticaria. A nasty condition. Please see for info and coping methods!
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    Google 'running itchy legs' and you'll see it's very common. It does go away after the first few sessions, assuming you walk each day as well to keep the blood vessels all warmed up. I got injured and stopped running and walking for a couple of weeks, then got the dreaded runner's itch when I began to run again. But it was gone in a week or so.
  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    I used to get this! Usually in cooler weather too. I think you're right that it has something to with blood flow. Jogging instead of walking helped for some reason, but it was torture when it happened! The good news is that since I've been exercising more regularly and in better shape than before, I haven't had in happen. It's been over a year since I've had trouble with it. I've even jogged in 20 degree weather without any problems.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    For me, it started about 10 years ago as you describe, then progressed to also happening when I am getting hot (warm clothes, very warm weather etc) and it progressed to hives. In my case it is an allergic reaction (urticaria) to heat. I can no longer have a warm bath for example. It is controlled by slowly warming up when exercising, and taking antihistamines during periods when it gets really bad.
  • lroker
    lroker Posts: 1 Member
    I get this too. It hasn't been a problem since I started taking allergy meds (zyrtec) every day.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I know if I work out pretty hard I get the same symptoms and a bit of a heat rash.

    I went to the doctors and got prescribed a mild steroid cream which touch woods keeps it under control.

    Try and drink lots of water and keep hydrated, moistorise your whole body after getting out of a shower too.

    Another cause could be varicose veins?

    No- it's not a skin thing- it's under. LIke the blood under neath is itchy- it really truly is miserable- i've sat down and almost cried during a run before.

    The things I have noticed- 1.) colder weather and 2.) inactivity- the less i do something- the more likely I am to get that way.

    And I used to think I was making it up- or it was in my head- people would say- you're allergic to sweat- or you have dry skin- nope nope nope- not the same. Mine has always felt like a blood flow issue.

    either way- it's real- and it's miserable. Taking some sort of allergy meds *can* help. I have found sometimes I can run through it- sometimes I can't.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    My fiance gets this, only when it's cold outside. I get something similar, but I get very itchy in my scalp once I start to sweat unless I work out frequently. And it only happens in the colder months when there is very little humidity.