Looking for friends and support

I think I originally signed up last year while still using livestrong.com. I was fairly happy with the site, however there were things I didn't like, and I never got involved with their forums; I would like to change that over here. As well as losing 100 pounds, i want to work at getting back to the personality I was 20 years ago, which was a lot less pessimistic, and a whole lot less ready to take offense.

My children are growing up and before too long the oldest one will be out on his own living his own life. i want to be able to be part of that life with him for as long as possible, and I do NOT want to be like my father is. Don't get me wrong either, my father has good qualities and I intend to emulate those as much as possible, however he has some very bad ones as well and I am seeing myself acting the same way at times, and this really bothers me.

My younger son has a high functioning form of autism and can be very hard to work with sometimes. He is a great kid and has a lot of love and compassion, but when he gets frustrated and lashes out, I get frustrated as well. I do not lash out in return, however I DO lose my patience a lot and tell him to go to his room when I should probably try talking with him instead. I refuse (rightly in my opinion) to coddle him though and allow him to throw a temper tantrum or act in an inapropriate way just because he has autism; he needs to learn that he can not react in those ways and get away with it, using his autism as an excuse.

I am getting ready to move to a new house (versus an apartment) and will be getting back to Nature quite a bit. I am building a "hobbit hole" for my younger son in the back yard, as well as putting in a MAJOR garden and some miniature fruit trees. I will also be building a decent sized (10x10 or 10x12) shed which I will be turning into my workshop so I can get back into cabinetry and furniture making.

I would love to get to know more people, not only in my area, but all over. I want to fill me life with good people who share the same values I do and will help support me in my goals.


  • 1984jadeball
    Feel free to add me !! Id be happy to support you
  • ramsfan84
    ramsfan84 Posts: 68 Member
    I too have a son with high functioning Autism. He is 10 years old and has lots of problems and works really hard to overcome everything in daily life. Right now school is a big struggle. Team sports are a huge struggle. So we work together and we do special olympics. He is 10 years old and in the 5th grade. I also have a 8 year old.

    Sounds like you are moving in the right direction with your children. The things you have planned in the future sound like steps in the right direction.

    If you would like to add me I would love to support each other.

  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    You can feel free to add me, I'll do what I can to help out.
  • GottaLoseIt13
    GottaLoseIt13 Posts: 31 Member
    Feel free to add me for support. I, myself, am on my way to losing 100lbs as well. We can do this!!!