Night Shift!



  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Well I woke up early today... the mail person was knocking on my door and beeping the horn at noon(this is why I hate night shift went to bed at 7:30am).... So I got up ate some egg beaters 4 servings(since they are very low in calories and fat)and 2 pieces of cinnimon raisin toast, glass of milk. I cooked chicken breast with barilla plus multigrain pasta and cream of brocoli soup mixed in the pasta, with pepper and garlic seasoning, that will be for lunch later. Now I am about to head to the gym for 30 mins of cardio on the eliptical and some upper body strength training. hope everyone had a better sleep then me.
  • casshole
    casshole Posts: 68 Member
    Hey, I struggle with night shift too. I guess the only advice I have that has helped me is to eat smaller meals and more frequently. That and time what you eat at certain times. Heavier meals and carbs after waking up/before going into work. Protein after physical activity, and healthy and low/no sugar before bed. Hope it helps ya! :flowerforyou:
  • Smyles2u
    Smyles2u Posts: 48 Member
    Thats my problem hungry b4 bed, Ive found out that if I eat my right amount of foods during the day then I wont be hungry, which is why im working with the myfitnesspal...
    I do know that if i do eat anything, it needs to be protein b4 bed and totally not carbs.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I just wanted to say sorry... I kinda hi-jacked the thread I am going to start an official night shift thread that we can talk about anything.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I just wanted to say sorry... I kinda hi-jacked the thread I am going to start an official night shift thread that we can talk about anything.

    no prob! sounds good to me!!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm at work now...and totally craving M&M's because this girl on TV keeps eating them!!!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    M&Ms aren't bad every once in a while... Just like everything else it is supposed to be in moderation... I had some peanut m&ms last night cause I was struggling to find a high calories food cause I was no where near my allowance for the day.. I find it is hard to eat as many calories as the site recommends... I am supposed to get around 1700 to lose 2lbs a week then when I add my exercise for the day it bumps it up another 7-8 hundred.... Oh well
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Im at 1500 for a lb a wk...I tried 1200, but that was way too low for me...wasn't happenin! Maybe once I lose some, I will bring it down to that if I need to. Usually I have a 2-300 calorie snack, but today I just had carrots instead, so I guess I can afford some M&M's :smile:
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    and yea I think the exercise might be wrong...mine are anyway. I normally walk, jog or do the elliptical. On here it says I'm burning an insane amount on the elliptical...its NOT that hard I dont see how Im burning that much.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I don't know... My elliptical workouts are pretty intense... I usually sweat out a couple pounds of water by the time I am done... My clothes are always soaked... To the point where I could wring them out. I put it on the setting that varies the intensity throughout the works for me.... And I went to the calculator for bmr and it said that I should be burning 2600 calories just for basic life functions.... I don't know what to think now though... I don't know which one to go by... I am sure as time goes on I will figure out what works best for me but I do want to get a good start on my weight loss so I can hurry up back to the military so I can be where I think I belong...
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I think I bounce too much on it or something lol It just seems like gravity is doing the work. The stairmaster is a different story...I sweat bullets on that thing...even if it's a low level. Military? cool. Lots of people in the military here...Im right outside of DC! I want to lose weight so I feel comfortable on stage...where I belong :smile:
  • nahhan12
    nahhan12 Posts: 79
    I used to work night shift and it was the worst! I would eat food to keep myself awake and pass the time. What I found worked best was to plan out my snacks and only eat them at a certain time, like 3am, 6am, and then a meal when I got home.
  • mysi019
    mysi019 Posts: 55
    I work nights/afternoons shift and its horrible for routine. I work 2 7pm-7am a week and 2 3pm-11pm a week so then i get 3 days off. I have a hard time finding time to work out on my days to work since my body is so messed up all i want to do is sleep. I also find myself snacking alot at night, though i have kinda used that as an advantage. I will eat a bigger meal with my boyfriend before coming to work then make a light lunch and some small snacks so i can still snack whenever i want. I just make sure its all entered on this site before work so i know exactly where i stand and cant go over. I also have been forcing myself to drink more water during the night. I also cut myself off from the snacks at about 4am so that when i get home(i usally go right to bed) its about 3 or so hours since the last time i ate anything. When i get up in the morning i eat something very light maybe a cheese stick or some egg whites depending if i am on mids, day off or afternoons.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    wish i could change my shift...but I am the newest one here and no one else wants to work it :angry:
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I'm so happy their are other people out there struggling with the night shift routine too. I work 10 pm to 6 am. I have found that I eat dinner with my family at 7pm and then bring two protein shakes or fruit. I drink my first around midnight and then one at 4 or 5 am before I go home so I'm not eating right before bed. And then at about noonish when I wake up, I make me some eggs or a whole wheat bagel to start my day out and just eat a small snack between than and dinner at 7.
  • mysi019
    mysi019 Posts: 55
    I too am the lowest, i get bumped every so often to a new shift, then back to the straight mids, then bumped again. Its a never ending cycle
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Lee if you are bouncing on you probably need to turn up the resistance. It helps with the bouncing cause it makes you go slower. Yeah the military, I wanna go back so bad right now. It is not bad as long as you have a decent job. I was an air traffic controller, but I think that I wanna do something else this time. I will stay till I retire if I can. Which won't be too long. I can be retired at 45. Then I can go do whatever I want and have a paycheck and benefits for life.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    And speaking of days off messing you up.. I'm in the middle of 2 nights off lol! Went to a concert yesterday, though got my workout in so I was still just under my calories for the day. Today, here goes nothing.. It's already rather warm out, so I'm hoping to get something in when the sun goes down.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Lean...I will try that!
    Im off for three nights, I was lucky enough to work 4 10 hr shifts this wk. Its hard to sleep at night when Im off though!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I am off for my 3 days also.... :-) I shoulda went and worked out last night but my workout partner wasnt feeling well so i didnt. I am mad at myself now, but I guess I will go today no matter what. I was up on my calories yesterday too not by much though, just 83.