Introduce Yourself/Chicago Area

I AM LOOKING FOR MOTIVATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY:-). Will post pictures soon. Former (on hold at the present) body builder who let the stresses of every day life and not smoking just allow myself to eat, not work out, and not care. And I know better. I lost my trainer through a horrific motorcycle accident a couple weeks ago, sent me into a tailspin. Just dealing with everyday stresses that take the focus off of taking care of myself. Spending too much time trying to resolve other issues that I need to let take care of themselves, lol.

Working my way back, feel I owe it not only to myself but to him as he was my major external source of encouragement. He resurrected my passion for training and was such a professional and someone I grew to love even though we were so much alike (both of us are trainers) we spent as much time arguing as training, lol. I would WELCOME AND TRULY APPRECIATE anyone that I can connect with as we travel this path together. If I can help to encourage or motivate anyone, please don't hesitate to add me.