Stray dog problem, any suggestions?



  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    this is a long shot but try posting on craigslist. maybe someone witll come help
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    The pound is simply lying. He is not yours just because you corral him and bring him to them.

    Meanwhile,, there might be steps you can take to make him less of a nuisance to you. Bring a good squirt gun with you and some noisy thing to bang...a pie tin and a spoon. when you go outside, when he comes running up, squirt him in the face. It won't hurt him, he simply won't like it. and you'll have to do it repeatedly so that he equates seeing you and your dogs with getting squirted.

    same thing for the pan. (I'd leave your dogs inside the first several times that you do this, because the sound will scare them, too.) Bang it loudly as soon as he starts running up to you. chances are that this will stop him in his tracks. again, it has to be done often enough that he associates you with uncomfortable squirting and loud noises.

    We have enough trouble in our neighborhood with people letting their dogs loose or walking them without a leash even when they don't respond to voice command that I started carrying a small squirt bottle with me when I walk my dog. At one point, this woman was walking her dog without a leash and it ran up snarling to attack my dogs. I was able to fend it off, even though it was intent on doing damage, just by repeatedly squirting it right in the face until the owner came up to grab it.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I know this is a weight loss website, but as a lot of us come from different backgrounds, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the problem I am having lately... I really need help and I don't know what to do. I'm about at my wit's end.

    First off, I am not messing with the dog pound, I hate the local dog pound they freaking won't help, they basically tell me to just "let strays" die when I call and that they are to full to help.

    My problem is a puppy. It's cute, innocent, playful and tame, but it's becoming a terror. It jumps on me when I go outside, gets me dirty, which I can handle but now it's attacking my dogs. Not in a mean way, but my dogs take it as that (they are both around 12 years old: Muddle the boy and Flower t he girl).

    It excites Muddle, who has a faulty heart valve and SHOULDN'T be excited, who tries to attack him (and this scares me also, I don't like seeing my dog aggressive... he's only like that with animals in our yard). And then there is Flower, I don't know what's worse, she see's him and won't do her business.. so I have to either keep taking her out or clean up the house after he like she's the puppy again.

    I stopped being nice to the dog, tried yelling, even got ticked and threw things at it (I know not helpful, but I was mad that day) but it just WILL NOT go away! I can't walk outside anymore.

    Getting a fence isn't an option because 1. we have to much ground and 2. it belongs to my parents not me and 3. I don't have the money right now.

    I seen a neighbor feeding it but he claims it's not his he was just trying to help and no one else around here claims it. It just showed up one day. It has a collar but no tags and not 100 percent sure the neighbor didn't put the collar on, the one that doesn't claim it. What the heck can I do???

    And our town isn't being helpful, no one wants to come pick it up, like I said the dog pound says if I touch it, it's mine (lovely) and if I don't want it just leave it outside to die. Seriously? I don't know where else to turn. I don't want it hurt, but I want it gone.. away from my babies, they are getting to old to deal with this.

    if they're anything like the SPCA where I used to live, there's only one thing you can do.

    You have to go get the puppy, and then take him to the pound, and hand him over.

    They try soooo hard not to take them. They're overstretched and underresourced, taking the puppy in involves bumping up another dog's euthanasia anyway.

    But do it. That or keep him for your own and train him. Sounds like your other dogs are on the way out anyway. If he comes into your dogs' pack they will put him in his place and he will learn.

    Otherwise take him, but advertise free to a good home in the local paper. Local radio stations often do this stuff for free too... advertise found pets and ask for adoptive owners.
