
Help! I have been going to a bootcamp AND working out at the gym AND counting calories. Now I cannot say I have been exactly perfect on the calorie end and since vacation 3 weeks ago I cannot seem to pull my head out. I have 24 more pounds to lose and every day I keep slidding back into old ways and bad habits. Sheesh. I am tired and afraid that this will turn into just another one of my attempts to lose weight and fail. HELP


  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    REWARD YOURSELF. Not necessarily for any weight loss. But for sticking to your exercise/diet plan for a certain number of days. Tell yourself that if you are able to stay within your calories for X amount of days, or exercise X amount of times per week, etc., you will go and get a manicure, pedicure, new shoes, new book, or something that you like. Step away from the scale and focus on the mental "diet". You can do this. Look how far you have come. YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!
    SHALONDAG Posts: 50 Member
    Get off the ledge, don't do it!!! Vacation can really through you off. I know from experience! Don't give in to your laziness calling you. Just set in your mind that you are going to continue in your weight loss success. Even if you literally have to force yourself to work out and eat right, do it! If you give up now after all your hard work you will kick yourself in a few months when you have to start all over again :( ! DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • embokj
    embokj Posts: 3
    Just go look in the mirror and ask yourself what you want - to slide off the deep end for momentary intake pleasure or continue to march with your goal. It's hard at times but if you can power through it, you will feel better about yourself in the end.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Help! I have been going to a bootcamp AND working out at the gym AND counting calories. Now I cannot say I have been exactly perfect on the calorie end and since vacation 3 weeks ago I cannot seem to pull my head out. I have 24 more pounds to lose and every day I keep slidding back into old ways and bad habits. Sheesh. I am tired and afraid that this will turn into just another one of my attempts to lose weight and fail. HELP

    If you slide back into old ways and bad habits, then the weight will not shift, if it did you wouldn't be here in the first place. If you still decide to carry on like that, then yes, the weight loss plan will fail and you won't lose the weight.

    Keep focussed on what your goal is, you have come thus far, such a shame if you let all your previous hard work go to pot :frown:

    What made you get determined before? How did you tell yourself "this is it, I am going to do it"?

    Try a fresh approach, start from scratch. Pretend that the only weight you have had to lose from the beginning is 24lbs and the beginning starts here, now. If you crack down, by the time Christmas arrives, you will be at your goal weight - but only if you got for it.

    You have a distinct advantage this time round, you know what works for you and do not have to go through all those hit and miss things that so many have to endure when they first start. :flowerforyou:
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Change things up some how, reinvent your routine a bit to make it fresh, don't let yourself get stuck in a rut.

    You can do it, you have shown us and everyone else around you that you can, so cinch up that belt, dig in those heels and gir-r-dun :bigsmile:
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    REWARD YOURSELF. Not necessarily for any weight loss. But for sticking to your exercise/diet plan for a certain number of days. Tell yourself that if you are able to stay within your calories for X amount of days, or exercise X amount of times per week, etc., you will go and get a manicure, pedicure, new shoes, new book, or something that you like. Step away from the scale and focus on the mental "diet". You can do this. Look how far you have come. YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!

    The mental diet is the place I struggle the most. I can plan my food, do my exercises all withjust will power but if I don't change my mental diet I'll burnout soon...thanks for putting that into perspective.
  • justahorsen
    WOW I could have written this myself...thanks for posting it, I am getting good advice right along with you....I just need to kick some of the stress out of my life and concentrate on ME for a while.....good luck on your journey, and remember YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • mbk1970
    mbk1970 Posts: 33 Member
    Oh Man!! That was my very first post and I am SOOOOO glad I did that. AWESOME. I feel great after reading all of those and I have them to refer to later. You all rock! I have lost the weight I gained on vacation and am back on track-thank you all very much, really big help.
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    This is similar to what i am struggling with. i just want my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! i just want to lay around!! buut if i want to feel good about myself, i have to force myself through the blah times to get to the awesome ones! we can do this together! i'm going to friend request you and we can motivate eachother yeah?
  • alexia99
    alexia99 Posts: 37 Member
    Help! I have been going to a bootcamp AND working out at the gym AND counting calories. Now I cannot say I have been exactly perfect on the calorie end and since vacation 3 weeks ago I cannot seem to pull my head out. I have 24 more pounds to lose and every day I keep slidding back into old ways and bad habits. Sheesh. I am tired and afraid that this will turn into just another one of my attempts to lose weight and fail. HELP

    You are describing me to a tee! The goal has to be to have more "good' days than 'bad" ones and slowly make life changes. Every little change adds up! Easy to say but much harder to actually do as I am just coming back after being off the wagon for two weeks myself, and gained the weight to prove it. Good luck, you can do it!
  • mbk1970
    mbk1970 Posts: 33 Member
    How is everyone this week?