Diabetes advice please

I had a glucose test in October and thought everything was OK because the doctors hadn't called.

I joined this site a couple of weeks ago because I feel so rubbish and after all the motivation on here I decided to get a check up. The doctor informed me that I would have to have another fasting blood test as my sugar levels were high. I found that my level was 9.2. I didn't think too much but my sister gave me an earbashing as she thinks this is very high. I bought a kit yesterday and my level was 9.3. I fasted overnight and this morning I'm 6.6. The information on the net states this is high but my doctor is not calling me back.

Am I over stressing about this. I've not been functioning properly which has caused problems with my family.

Any advice would be appreciated.


  • Funnydream
    Funnydream Posts: 87 Member
    If you don't feel that you are right - ask to be referred to a specialist or a diabetic nurse/clinic. It seems very remiss that your doc didn't call you back the first time though.

    I wish I could help more. The best of luck .......x
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I had a glucose test in October and thought everything was OK because the doctors hadn't called.

    I joined this site a couple of weeks ago because I feel so rubbish and after all the motivation on here I decided to get a check up. The doctor informed me that I would have to have another fasting blood test as my sugar levels were high. I found that my level was 9.2. I didn't think too much but my sister gave me an earbashing as she thinks this is very high. I bought a kit yesterday and my level was 9.3. I fasted overnight and this morning I'm 6.6. The information on the net states this is high but my doctor is not calling me back.

    Am I over stressing about this. I've not been functioning properly which has caused problems with my family.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Don't just struggle on, get a second opinion or make a nuisance of yourself and insist. It has affected your family-life and that is not right for a start, let alone the trouble with your health!

    It is a mystery why they haven't called you back though, having said that, if you had your tests done and the reading is high, something is obviously wrong.
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    Hospital reading is 5.7 after 12 hours fasting = to 102.6 in America.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    They really only care about the fasting rating because the other fluctuates so much. My doc says it's ok around 5 so you're close at 5.7. They probably want it lower than that but if you're losing weight, that'll happen.

    I'm in Canada and we don't use the American standard here.

    I noticed that you can -sort of- predict how well you do on the fasting test by how crabby you are right before you're tested. If you're -really- crabby, it's low :laugh:

  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    A fasting glucose over 100 here is considered a warning of pre-diabetes. If you don't feel well, consider that a warning also. A year ago my doctor told me to lose weight after I had tested a little above 100 on fasting glucose 2 of the 3 yearly tests. He ordered an A1C blood test which is an indicator of your blood sugar for the past several weeks (not sure how but it has to do with the life of blood cells being several weeks, so they can tell a couple of weeks history through this test.) My A1C came back in the normal range last year and he ordered one again today (my yearly visit was this morning.) BUT I have lost 20 lbs in the meantime and he was very pleased. If you don't feel well and healthy then I think you sould be concerned and pursue it. Read about pre-diabetes at www.diabetes.org.
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    Hi pickledlilly, I see you live in Yorkshire so do I and I was recently diagnosed with diabetes despite my doctor who shall remain nameless. I have been doing a lot of reading on it so maybe I can help. Here is how it works in the UK

    1. fasting blood test below 6 normal
    2. fasting blood test between 6 and 7 refer for glucose tollerance test likelyhood of prediabetes retest every year
    3. fasting blood test over 7 refer for 2nd fasting blood test as first might have been a fluke or not a proper fasting retest every year,
    4. if 2nd is over 7 then the person has diabetes.
    Am I over stressing about this. I've not been functioning properly which has caused problems with my family.
    No you're not

    I was number 3 on that list 4 years ago and thought I was getting checked regularly. Turned out that althought I was having regular blood tests for other things my doctor had missed the glucose off for 4 years, despite the fact that I am overweight, have high blood pressure (was allergic to medication), PCOS, and neuropathy in my feet and hands ( the feet he put down to a trapped nerve in my back). I developed a leg ulcer which was being dressed by a nurse who fortunately for me was off sick so I got to see a different one. Whilst chatting to her I mentioned my symptoms and she took it upon herself to do the blood tests (she is a diabetic nurse) which I then had to get repeated, both of which were in the diabetic range despite the fact I had been doing a low carb diet. This month I have an appointment with a podiatrist to see how much nerve damage I have in my feet (which is irrepairable) and an appointment with an optician for retina scans ( I have also been having problems with my eyes).

    My advice to you would be to make sure you have your blood tested every year, and try and lose some weight by following a low fat diet (your body needs some fat but try and avoid the saturated and hydrogenated fats) and reduce if not eliminate your refined sugar. If you do that you may avoid ever becoming diabetic and all the complications that come with it.

    p.s. feel free to add me as a friend or p.m. me with any questions that you dont want to put on the forum