
Hi all! I have had MFP on my phone or access from my computer for a few years. I have decided that it is time to use it for real now. Iam a full time college sstudent, part time retail worker, and full time parent to 5 kids. Needless to say I am insanely busy. I started just trying to eat right and went from 152 to 146. I added running and weight 4 days ago and gained a pound (hoping for muscle weight here heh) if anyone wants to add me I would be happy to have some encouragement. Generally after two weeks of working I lose motivation and quit. That is my first mini goal. Get past my first two weeks. Here's to healthy living!


  • Seabee74
    I am new here but know that the few friends I've made so far really make a difference as we encourage each other and log daily! You can do this when you put your mind to it. Just follow it as close as you can and you Will see results!
    Add me if you'd like too........