Crockpot Cooking Question

I love using the slow cooker in the Fall/Winter. I am finding, however, that it is difficult to determine serving size when cooking with this method. For instance, the other night I did a pork rib roast with sweet potatoes & apples. After cooking, you remove the pork from the pot then scoop out potatoes and apples to mash in a bowl to be served as a side. In an instance like this, would you enter the items separately? IE: Pork as 1 item and the mash as another? I didn't record for 2 days because I honestly wasn't sure how to go about it. Any suggestions/comments/advice are appreciated. :)


  • AndrasLOHF
    AndrasLOHF Posts: 14 Member
    I'll usually enter the meal ingredients into the recipes section then portion out the food into containers and just divide it from the total.
  • hawkeygal
    hawkeygal Posts: 133 Member
    What the poster above me said. It's too hard to calculate (especially chili/stews) until I portion them out into containers and weigh each one to know exactly how much of it is in the container.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    As a general rule when I cook in the crockpot I use 1 cup as a standard serving. I wait until I am finished cooking and I scoop out the food in 1 cup increments. Then when we're finished eating I count how many additional 1 cup servings I put in a container. That way when I'm entering the recipe into the recipe builder I can accurately put how many servings the entire meal made.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    As a general rule when I cook in the crockpot I use 1 cup as a standard serving. I wait until I am finished cooking and I scoop out the food in 1 cup increments. Then when we're finished eating I count how many additional 1 cup servings I put in a container. That way when I'm entering the recipe into the recipe builder I can accurately put how many servings the entire meal made.

    That's a good plan. I'll have to keep that in mind lol. I totally eyeballed it when I did it.