Can't afford the gym?

I just found out that my city has several gyms throughout the city available for use ... for FREE! There are THREE full pools throughout the city, and I can use them for only $4 per visit or $70/unlimited for 3 months (allows me to use ANY of them with the pass).

And all the non-aquatic stuff? FREE! Weight rooms, tracks, cardio machines, gym etc.

Call your town, city or county parks and recreation department and find out what might be available for you!

Also, check out nearby schools (esp. colleges and universities) that might have discounted access for community members.

I was so surprised to find out I can use the city's gyms for free ... thought I'd share in case some of you didn't know that either!

Also, I just found a $900 elliptical online for $100 that I'll be adding to my home gym. Maybe your friends/neighbors have equipment you can borrow, use, inherit or maybe you can work together with a group to create your own collection?

Just some suggestions. Any others?
