Best workout programs for beginners?

rlzwakenberg Posts: 64 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I am looking for a DVD program or something like that to do. I am awful at just trying to find exercises on my own. I just don't know what to do and what not to do.

I am still quite new at this and I fear that a lot of these programs are too tought for me. Things like Insanity say anyone can use them. But when you can't do more than a half of what he's doing, you feel like quitting more than you did when you started....

So I'm looking for somehting that I can do that will be great cardio, because I am primarily focused on weight loss and not building muscle.

I'm willing to try just about anything, as long as it doesn't make me feel worthless as soon as i put it in. SOmething I can, for the most part, keep up with. I've seen all kinds of stuff. Zumba, Insanity, P90X, etc.

Any suggestions?


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I suggest you use the "search" link in the >Home>Recent Post>My Topics>Settings> Search

    Here is a link for workout DVD

    Good luck in your journey
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    I love anything Jillian Michaels!
  • MsValerieAnne
    MsValerieAnne Posts: 90 Member
    I love Leslie Sansone's Walk At Home DVDs! There are so many of them available and you get cardio routines on most of the DVDs along with the walking segments.. they are fun and a work out.
  • Islandgirl74
    Islandgirl74 Posts: 170 Member
    I love Denise Austin's DVD's. She has a wide range of DVD's from beginners to boot camp. One of my fave's for beginners is "Shape Up and Shed Pounds".
    Hope this helps!
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    I love anything Jillian Michaels!

    i'm another fan she has modified moves to build you up to the tougher ones
  • jkoenig1980
    jkoenig1980 Posts: 31 Member
    Get a bike.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    Agree with Jillian Michaels. Some of them are tougher than others, but something like 30 day shred or ripped in 30 would be a good place to start. Also, I really like They have a ton of workouts and they rate them by intensity level. So you could do a search and find a level 1 or 2 and build up from there. A lot of those don't require any equipment either, which is convenient.
  • lecounth
    lecounth Posts: 42 Member
    When I was getting started on my weight loss journey, I found DVDs by Leslie Sansone. She does walking programs and low impact stuff. I had a DVD set that were three different levels. I don't remembering needing a lot of space to do the workout.
  • callie828
    Go to they have samples of every Dvd so u can see excerpts and can gage if you are up for it.

    As someone who was out of shape I got a beginners step Dvd.. had a step since the80s.

    And I like working out w light weights and choose Ellen Barrett sculptor express

    Both for beginners both 25 min long but is broken into beginner intermediate advanced. The beginner sections on both Dvds are 10 mine.m doable... but challenging for beginner. I wantlted something that wouldn't frustrate me.. or make me feel overwhelmed.
  • terrance250
    terrance250 Posts: 40 Member
    Adding to your lean body mass (muscle) is a great way to lose weight and also will raise your TDEE. That basically means you'll be less likely to put fat back on after you lose it, and even if you do weight loss will become easier as well.

    Don't be scared of weights. You're not going to pick up a dumb bell and become some freak of nature. Adding large amounts of muscle mass actually requires eating a caloric surplus and takes years of hard work and diet manipulation.

    Cardio is great too, but other than increasing your endurance it's basically just a calorie burner. Basic weight loss can be done without it at all. You just don't get to eat back the calories you burn up with it.
  • tenilleless
    tenilleless Posts: 88 Member
    It depends on how "beginner" you are:

    If you're the type that can't do a burpee or a pushup to save your life I would start small. I love blogilates on youtube ( ) or fitness blender ( The fitness blender website has a nice layout where you can pick which part of the body to work (or what kinda cardio) how hard you want it and how long you want. With both of them you can pick smaller workouts and do a few videos in a row.

    Jillian michaels is great if you are a beginner who can do some harder moves (like mountain climbers, burpees) even if you suck at them. I LOVED her videos when I was in a healthy weight range and I'm going to go back to them once I'm a little stronger/smaller.
  • Layla76
    Layla76 Posts: 61 Member
    If you like a workout like Insanity but think its too tough Shaun T just released a new set of DVDs called FOCUS T25. There is a modifier for low impact and beginner moves and each workout is only 25 minutes long with a 3 minute stretch at the end. I also really love Chalene Johnsons Turbo Fire DVDs. She has a great modifier also. I started with her as a newbie and never once felt like I couldnt keep up. I weighed 232 lbs at the start and was working a sedentary job too so I was no where near fit!! !
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Check your local library (or go to their website and see what they've got at various branches that you can request to be sent to yours) for workout DVDs. Great way to try out some different stuff and see what you like before spending the money.
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