I'm new...........will take any suggestions.

Well today was my first day with MyFitnessPal. I went over my calorie intake by about 300. Sure could use some pointers. I have never been very good at dieting. Would like to hear from others, could use the support.


  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day! I think the first day of using MFP is such a great eye opener as to what we're really consuming. Make sure that your calorie goal is where it needs to be and log your exercise calories - maybe even try to do more so you can eat some/all of those calories back! You can do this. This forum is filled with so much helpful information. Use the search feature to look up stuff you're wondering about and make some new friends for support. You're welcome to add me if you want. :)
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    You are in the right place if you are serious. First thing you need to do if you are serious is to set a goal. Most of the time a person never achieves what they want because they haven't WRITTEN down their goal. Fill out your goals and share them. Then if you want help with your food and calorie counts you should open up your food diary. Most people here are kind, nice, and post nice comments. It is great when you are not doing well to here positive encouragement from friends. If someone isn't nice, positive, or encouraging, then you can stop being their friend and they won't see your status comments or be able to comment. You are welcome to add me as a friend if you wish.

    If you only went over by 300 calories, you probably still had a deficit just not as big of a deficit. You are doing fine, especially for just starting out. Keep it up!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Take it day by day and hour by hour if you have to. You went 300 cals over, let it go, you can't fix what happened, all you can do is plan for the next time. Take a look at everything you ate and see if there is a choice that you could have changed and try it for next time. Eating healthier is a constant learning curve. Just always reevaluate. Maybe it was a more hungry day because of your exercise or maybe its a hormonal time. Keep in mind too that for the first 2 weeks you will feel hungry constantly as your body adjusts to a new way of eating. I found for that time my stomach hurt constantly because it was used to having food all the time.

    Hope this helps some. You are already making the right steps toward being healthier by being here. Goodluck on your journey and if you want to add me for motivation and support, please feel free. I get huge support from here and I am a huge support to others.

  • wmiBill
    wmiBill Posts: 7 Member
    300 is not bad at all. It took me a couple of weeks to figure out how to plan my eating (and I would have killed to be within 300 calories of my goal). It will come, just keep logging and your awareness will increase. As that happens, you will have no problems staying under your calorie goal.
  • terrance250
    terrance250 Posts: 40 Member
    As has already been mentioned, just do your best and make adjustments, but most importantly stick with it. You're going to stumble from time to time, it's part of it.......nobody is perfect. Just make sure you get back up from your falls and get back on track.

    It might take you a little while, but you'll find things you like to eat that will fill you up while still hitting your deficit numbers. I still pretty much eat all the things I use to, but avoid the real bad stuff.

    Also remember it's a marathon, not a sprint. You'll get discouraged sometimes when the weight isn't coming off like you think it should. Once again just stick with it and changes will happen.

    Good luck and believe in yourself
  • Layla76
    Layla76 Posts: 61 Member
    Like the others have said, its a day to day thing and it will take time to get into. The first week or so was a big eye opener for me. It let me truly see what I was eating and how much it was hurting me. After the first few days you begin to adjust because you see whats good for you and keeping you where you need to be to lose and get healthier! Please feel free to add me if you are looking for any more friends and support. I am just getting back on the logging wagon myself!!
  • Gismos
    Gismos Posts: 15
    Just take it one day at a time. After the first week or two it will be easier to see how to shave off a few calories from each meal. For instance with your 300 calorie overage (which is not too bad), I find it much easier to remove ~100 calories from each meal than try to take off all 300 at dinner.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Didn't read everything else yet, so sorry if this is a repeat, but I have a MyFitnessPal-specific suggestion: go through these forums and add people that seem friendly, knowledgeable, and/or supportive. I have found INCREDIBLE motivation and inspiration through my MFP friends.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    It's not a diet...
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Going over is where exercise comes into play.
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    You taken the first jump towards success....I'm gonna ditto all that was said^^^^...you can do this???aim for healthy , not processed foods! fruits & veggies, & lean proteins, & fiber rich foods...to fill you up!! Don't forget water!!! @ least 8 glasses.....& move your body...I'm here daily & @ maintenance ..add me if you'd like....????????????good luck on your journey...
  • thatbelinda
    thatbelinda Posts: 94 Member
    My best suggestion is to plan your day out in advance. If you know you're going to go over (and don't want to cut any food), go for a nice long walk to "win back" some calories. Also, when you see it all planned out in front of you, you can see where you can make substitutions and stay under.

    Good luck!
  • 1_Slick_Chick
    1_Slick_Chick Posts: 199 Member
    If you are ready to change your lifestyle, you've in the right place. As someone else has stated, this is not a diet. Add other MOVers for support & motivation. You can do this...you just need to be ready. You can read my profile and if you like please feel free to add me. I log daily and have an open diary. BEST OF LUCK on your new lifestyle :flowerforyou:
  • Going over is where exercise comes into play.

    That's what I learned. If I got to high on my calories for the day when I first started I would tell people well I'm off to work for my supper! LOL
  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    My advice: Just keep making small improvements. Don't plan to be perfect. Perfection never ends well.

    BE honest when it's not working - some people will say "push through - don't give up - you can do this" and somewhere in it will be a grain of advice you can salvage your efforts with. I did this when I was done with it - and found my way around being done with it. Now I'm still here. I needed something solid, but I did appreciate the moral support also.

    My first day I just logged, no plan, I'm just going to log. I was shocked at how I was eating.

    Day 2 - I started tweaking.

    A few weeks in - my stress from work demands and lack of time became so tight I was turning to fast food and ready to give up. I shared my feelings and how I was done with it. Somebody chimed in and said - loosen up, eat maintenance until you are ready to go again. That was the smartest person ever. I now allow some fast food - although I try to watch it - it can get out of hand. I could go every day. It's not perfection that prevents it - it's not demonizing the fast food - it's budgetary partially and just believing in my own food I can cook being healthier.

    Right then, I learned not to demonize too much. Food is food. There's low calorie garbage, low calorie quality, fast food, comfort food, etc. Some things are healthier, but I will not make it trying to be eating in perfection land.

    Friend me if you like. I cheer for the team as much as I can and respond to cries for help when I think I can offer support.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Well today was my first day with MyFitnessPal. I went over my calorie intake by about 300. Sure could use some pointers. I have never been very good at dieting. Would like to hear from others, could use the support.

    it took me over a week to learn how to stay under goal. It takes ages just to think up the meals you can have, or else you spontaneously have that sandwich and then get a surprise when you track what went in it...

    If you can get out for a walk and burn it all back off that's well and good - but give yourself some slack for the first week or so.

    As to tips and tricks: if you've gone over your calories for the day and you're hungry:

    stirfry without any rice, about 200cals including over 100g chicken.
    omelette made with 1 egg & 2 egg whites, 1 oz cheese and as many vege as you like - around 200 cals.

    If you think hard enough you can usually find a way to fill yourself up for not too much.

    Oh: and remember scrambled eggs can contain onion, chopped up tomato, chopped up bell pepper - you can really get a lot of bang for your buck adding in veges. They tell your stomach that you're full, and then they hurtle through your digestive system like a broom. :D
  • As everyone else is saying, 300 over isn't terrible! Don't beat yourself up over it. It took me 1 year and 1/2 to really listen to my body and take the steps necessary to change my lifestyle to a healthier one.

    I'm one of those people who like to eat when bored, not hungry, etc. etc. And especially trying to get into the habit of eating healthier, my mind would play mind tricks to make me think I was hungry ALLLLL the time. One thing that really helps me is eating 5 small, healthy meals a day (about 300 calories each. Give or take on some meals). Every 2-3 hours so I don't get too anxious for my next meal. And also I work out between meals 2 and 3 so I make those my pre and post workout meals which works out nicely. Also, I sleep very late and I get those night time cravings so I allow for my 5th meal/snack to be at around 10:30pm without feeling quilty. Though this is just a preference. :) Good luck!
  • I'm prepared to go from a man to a beast. MFP i'm hoping will keep me treading in the right path.
  • Wow............thank you all for such encouraging words. I feel I am in the right place to make my lifestyle change. I can do this!!!!
  • 2015KMV
    2015KMV Posts: 40 Member
    Hello ~ started with MFP yesterday. Tired of being overweight and don't want to do WW again for the gazillionth time.

    I hope I am doing it right and I start losing the weight soon. I know I will have to tweek once I get the hang of it and I know it will be a slow and steady process.

    I have been reading thru the message board topics and find it so encouraging. I hope to use alot of the tips from everyone.