hard to not snack in the evening while cooking

I need some help. I have been doing really good during the day, but once I get home I am starving and I still have to cook dinner. I have been snacking, and I know that is going to haunt me on my next weigh in. It is hard, because my husband never gets home at the same time, so dinner can be at 6, 6:30 or 7. I just am finding it so hard to keep from snacking while cooking or while waiting for him to come home once dinner is cooked.


  • lisafrancis629
    I have the same problem. I come in from work wanting to snack on anything I can get my hands on. I have found what helps me is chewing a piece of strong spearmint or cinnamom chewing gum. I keeps my mouth occupied and if I take the gum out to have a bite of something, it doesn't taste good with the strong gum flavor. I also brush my teeth and gargle with mouthwash before I cook dinner. Again, the food doesn't taste well.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    That has been one of my problems FOREVER! I've started doing a couple of things. Maybe one will help.

    I plan dinner early. That way I know exactly what I'm doing and if possible can pre-prepare some of it when I'm not hungry. (I've been known to empty the pantry into my mouth while cooking.)

    If the hunger is real and nasty, I sit down and drink a large cup of HOT tea. I've discovered that the warmth entering my tummy makes me feel a little bit less starved. Sometimes I drink a second while I'm actually cooking.

    And then I repeat a couple of "mantras:"

    "Hunger is not an emergency."
    "No Choice" (I have no choice about this if I want to get thin)
    "Oh well" (I can't have everything I want)

    And, if push really comes to shove I totally get out of the kitchen and tell my husband we're going out to eat because I can't handle it!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Take an afternoon snack with you.. have it at 3:30 or 4pm so it will tie you over before you eat again at supper. If you find yourself still hungry while you are cooking.. have a tea rather than food. Or just find a healthy snack like carrot sticks or just drink water.

    Then once food is ready, get out of the kitchen. Keep busy, do something that will set your mind off of food.

    Good luck!
  • solisanti
    very good advice..i will utilize them, i have the same problem at night.
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    You could try allotting enough cals for a before dinner snack that would fill you up enough to not eat the bad things.

    I usually have a handful of unsalted roasted almonds (about 10 and around 70 cals) around 4pm. It has enough protein in it to hold me over until 6 or 7 when dinner is ready.
  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    I solve that by pouring myself a small glass of wine (that I have counted in my calories) or sparkling water with a lemon twist (zero or one calorie) and sip that as I am cooking. Put the sparkling water into a "fun" type glass (like a wine glass). I feel elegant, empowered and less prone to snacking as I cook. I love the strong flavored gum idea too!
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    This is my issue as well!!! I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and when I get home I have a snack like some raw veggies, an apple, a snack bar, or some pretzels or crackers. Then I have dinner. Then another snack. I eat a lot all day! Every two hours in order to not be so hungry in the evenings like I used to be. Dinner is when I really wanna pig out but if I keep myself from becomming starving I am not as hungry at dinner time. I still manage to keep my calories between 1100-1350.
  • JGrinwis
    JGrinwis Posts: 14 Member
    I am the queen of eating a full meal while cooking one. I love the trick that I've found that I actually discovered on Weight Watchers which helped me loose my first 40lbs. I cut up a bowl of fruit first before anything else. It helps keep my taste buds happy, gives me some great vitamins and actually is a filling food so, I eat less at dinner.

    Plus my husband and kids like to piece off it too which does the same for them.
  • vdpal
    vdpal Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks! I will definitely give these ideas a try. Thanks again for the help. I didn't even think about hot tea. I like that idea as well as using mouth wash. I can't stand eating or drinking after I use mouthwash..