How aggrivating!

This is my third time trying this whole MFP thing and the other two times I was here and did what was to be done the scale and body never did much. I give up and then I go back to the vicious cycle.

This time I am trying very hard NOT to do that and just accept small...VERY small changes, like inches or what not but the scale has gone UP 5lbs and I am incredibly sore and pissed off that I see all these people post things like "6 weeks in and 15 lbs down" ugh, shoot me now. Seriously!


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    "6 weeks in and 15 lbs down"
    That is not the norm, and unless that person is extremely obese, it's not healthy or sustainable either. Chances are, those comments are coming from people who have just started and lose a good chunk of water weight in their first week. Or, they're drastically undereating and losing a lot of lean mass along the way. Or, they have way more to lose to start with than you do. If you're going to be successful, you need to stop comparing your progress with other people's.

    As for your 5lb gain, well that is frustrating as hell, but look at the possible causes. Are you weighing/measuring/logging all your foods? Are you eating at a deficit? If you are confident of those things, then you can be sure that you haven't suddenly gained 5 lbs of fat. Weight fluctuates all the time, for lots of reasons. Have you started a new exercise programme, or increases intensity? That can make you retain water. Eating more sodium or carbs than usual can make you retain water.

    If you have a tendency to get discouraged by what you see on the scale, maybe step back from it a bit and look for other ways of measuring progress. Photos, measuring tape, how your clothes fit, how fit/strong/energetic you feel. The main thing is though, is to accept that this is going to take a really long time. It happens slowly, and you're never really finished, even when you reach your goal. As long as you're relying on the quick, dramatic successes for motivation, you're less likely to succeed. I know you already know this, just trying to reinforce that. Patience, persistence, determination are key. Forget the scale for now and focus on inspiring your children, and running with your husband, and the real reasons you want to make these changes. :flowerforyou:
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    This is my third time trying this whole MFP thing and the other two times I was here and did what was to be done the scale and body never did much. I give up and then I go back to the vicious cycle.

    This time I am trying very hard NOT to do that and just accept small...VERY small changes, like inches or what not but the scale has gone UP 5lbs and I am incredibly sore and pissed off that I see all these people post things like "6 weeks in and 15 lbs down" ugh, shoot me now. Seriously!

    it is HARD, but you have to stick to it. I have been trying for almost 2 years now, and I am only down 37 of the 83 pounds I need to lose. I have only lost like 5 lbs this YEAR...but because of my weight training, people swear I have lost more.

    this is what I looked like about a year before I started. I went on to gain 30 more pounds before I started losing.
    0120100909 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    this is me last Thanksgiving, same shirt, within a few pounds of where I was in the first picture!
    IMG00856-20121123-0837 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    this last picture is a side by side of my before, and me 2 weeks ago. Same shirt.
    Untitled by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    There were times I wanted to quit. There were times I was in TEARS because the damn scale isn't moving ( the right direction) despite the 8+ hours a week ( 2+ hours, 4-5 days a week) I spend busting booty in the gym. But I keep going.

    Last week I had coffee and a very candid conversation with a very sweet young man I met at the gym when I first started going in. Justin was the trainer who worked 5 mornings a week, but he left almost 6 months ago ( we stayed in touch). He told me how I blow his mind with the way my body has changed since he's known me. And my strength has increased SO much. I used to chest press 15lb DB, now I bicep curl them! Less than a year ago, I thought I was awesome because I could BB squat 60lbs...yesterday I did a set of 150lb squats. That is more than I plan to weigh when I hit goal!

    The NSVs are what you need to concentrate on. I have had people on the track in awe because I did 20 flights of steps as part of my cardio...I have had gym members tell me that my hard core trainer trains me like a man ( he does) but I am kicking butt and it is working!...I have seen the wide eyed looks of a big muscular guy when he sees me standing on 2 BOSU balls while doing battle ropes. I get smiles and nods from the meatheads :D
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Try not to think of how far you think other people are getting vs your own progress.

    Your progress is your own and unfortunately, you will only do this at your own speed. While it's interesting to hear how everyone else is doing, don't let it sidetrack you.

    This is a good time to be selfish, more you you you! Focus on exercise you enjoy & commit to the process. Sorry I'm not more specific, it's different for everyone as people are all at different stages of life, abilities, etc. Try different things and keep on keeping on.

    Good luck!
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    I feel your pain....I've been busting my butt the last month and the scale hasn't budged! ARGGGHGHH! I would love to say 'screw this" and start eating more, but then i would just be back where i was before- and that's a place i don't want to re-visit. Think of the benefits you're reaping not reflected on the scale- eating healthier and exercising is so good for you, that's a little reward in of itself :flowerforyou:
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    It took me 3 years to lose 30 pounds and I have at least that much more to reach "overweight". The alternative is an unhealthy, unhappy me so I keep going. I am feeling better and on less meds than I was three years ago and I want to keep it that way. Don't give up on yourself.
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    You have not logged anything since last thursday?!

    And you aim for 1200kcal but waste your calories on coke, cheetos and granola bars. This will result in having less calories for the rest of the day and feeling deprived.

    Loosing weight is a marathon; not a sprint. Dont get discouraged after the first few kilometers. And dont force crazy goals.
  • :-| yea I had the same thing when I first started :(
    It can definitely be frustrating. I was 212 in high school 180 in middle and desperately wanted to lose weight.
    I tried all the fad diets and nothing worked!!
    Finally, once I got out of school and moved out of my parents house I was able to lose weight!
    I got down to 190! And stayed there....
    I just didn't understand how this all worked! So, I started looking into it.
    I subscribed to fitness magazines and looked on fitness sites youtubed info and read up on everything I could to try to understand how all this weight loss business worked.
    (Went down another 20! and have been here for a while... still trying for my last 10 - which is seriously harder than all the rest of my weight loss goal combined... *sigh*)

    And that is what I recommend you do.

    It's difficult to fully commit to do something without fulling understand what you're doing.
    I'll leave you with this:

    1) Do NOT stress about the number - the more you weigh yourself, the more frustrated you'll be! NO MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK!

    2) You have to do this for yourself - not so you can impress someone or prove someone wrong. You want to be healthy and feel good about yourself :) You're confidence will do a 180! You have to love yourself and feel like you're worth it, cuz you are!

    3) This site is perfect for people like you and me! It's science! Food is energy - if you eat more food than your body can burn, the rest is just gonna hang around - it has no place left to go!

    4) The gym and getting into a workout routine can be crazy! I started by walking the dog on a nice long walk once a day, then twice a day, then trying to occasionally run.
    the VERY very best way to lose weight is weight training.
    To be honest.... I still need to try to get into it!
    I'm confident once I include it in my routine, it'll help me too!

    Good luck! I believe in you and the fact that your trying means that you have the ability to succeed!!
  • Mady1911
    Mady1911 Posts: 90 Member
    This is what I did..and it seemes to be working:
    1.Go up the scale once a week
    2. measure once a month
    3. eat as healthy as posible but allow treats once in a while, it is not a's a lifestyle change.
    4. Workout as best as you can, combine strenght training and cardio
    5. Make logging your second nature. This way you are in control of your game, you know exactly what's left and can indulge once in a while.
    6. Persevere, persevere and persevere some more! And when u feel like giving up, Don't!

    I've been trying to lose weight couple of times since 2008...2 times more serious...I only lost 2 kg each time! But I did not have the knowledge about food that I have now, nor was I calorie counting! MFP has made a huge difference for me! stick with it and results will show!

    Wish you the best of luck! You are welcome to add if you like!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The only suggestions I have are this...

    buy a food scale.
    read this post
    Take progress pics for comparison
    Measure using inches
    Don't panic if you are exercising and see a weight gain...typically water and it will go away
    Set reasonable goals..over 10lbs...1lb a week, under 10lbs 1/2 lb a week.

    I read this quote in another thread...if you bite it write it...meaning log everything even if it put you over.

    Last but not least this is not a sprint it's a marathon...

    PS as for those who are losing lots maybe they have lots to lose.
  • When I lost 90 lbs. several years ago I did these things. My only goal was to keep the scale moving in the right direction. There were no short term numeric goals. If my intent was to walk 2 miles on a given day but was unable to due to lack of time or other, then I did something maybe 1/2 a mile AND CONSIDERED THAT A SUCCESS. IMO eating healthy is important, probably absolutely necessary. Emotional Capital, in my vocabulary is synonymous with will power. I prefer the term emotional capital because I only have so much of it. It is as my checking account. There is only so much available. Stress can use it, your job can use it, your children may use it and countless other things. Therefore spend it wisely. Self talk is valuable. Frame the question in positive terms. Choose rather than deny, CHOOSE to eat healthy, CHOOSE not to eat rather than eat. Do not tell yourself you can not eat. On occasions delay eating, you may always eat it later and later you may be better able to make a better choice. I also trained myself when I saw some of my favorite tasting food, pie, cake, candy to call it EVIL every time I saw it with consistent practice this helped me greatly. It will do nothing good for you, the pleasure of eating it lasts but a very brief time. In my case - I truly hope not yours - a small amount of evil food does not satisfy me. In fact it is the opposite a small amount will trigger a very strong desire for more, a much stronger desire that if I had not eaten any. I am able to resist the ice cream in the freezer, at least short term, if I do not eat any. However if I eat one bowl I will eat the whole carton. In other words the first bowl will induce an obsessive-compulsion to eat the rest which is almost impossible to resist. At a church pot-luck, especially the desert table tempting me I counsel myself with this - there is no reason to overeat now. I have never had a difficulty with having enough food. In fact I may leave here and go the supermarket and buy anything I choose. I hope you may find something useful here. There is a lot of help available which I have no experience with. Overeaters Anonymous, Take Off Pounds Safely, Weight Watchers and others. Do not give up. Casting away all restraint will only result in further weight gain, at least that is true for me. Keep trying and searching until you find something or things that work for you.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    You have not logged anything since last thursday?!

    And you aim for 1200kcal but waste your calories on coke, cheetos and granola bars. This will result in having less calories for the rest of the day and feeling deprived.

    Loosing weight is a marathon; not a sprint. Dont get discouraged after the first few kilometers. And dont force crazy goals.

    This. You cannot seriously lose weight unless you seriously log your food. I would not recommend 1200 calories a day, but if you must do it, make your calories go further by eating things that are NOT soda, cheetos, and granola bars. You'll feel less hungry, and you'll likely not feel as deprived.

    Don't pay attention to other people if you are likely to covet their weight loss. Their body is not your body, and it's quite possible that they are doing something right that you are not. Try asking them for advice. If they're not losing weight the healthy way, then you can revel in the fact that you ARE, and your weight loss will be more sustainable.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    I read this quote in another thread...if you bite it write it...meaning log everything even if it put you over.

    Love this quote! Amen to that.
  • a_crotty
    a_crotty Posts: 225 Member
    I am tracking, just through WW. I don't have much time in my day to day to do it both places. I agree with everything everyones said and I put my scaled in a box yesterday and put my tape measure in it's place. I'm going to continue to Strength train 3 days a week for an hour and Zumba twice weekly for an hour. When the chance arises, I walk or bike also.

    Thanks for your support.