30 day shred with ankle injury

I want to do JM 30 day shred but I had a SEVERE ankle sprain 3 months ago. its finally healing, I go to the gym and do 40 mins walking and elliptical 4 week days. but I cannot run or jog yet, I tried. so the jumping jacks and but kicks are out for me and possibly some lunges. I would like to sub in something else during that . Suggestions? I could do the punches but need something else also so I don't wear my arms completley out because I want to make itthru the whole video. If I take these all these things out do you think it will even be half as effective? Any other video workouts that wouldn't put strain on my ankle?


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    same situation. torn atfl three years ago. will not heal without surgery. i cant run. i cant lunge. i cant do jumping jacks. but when i do the video i do just the top portion of the jumping jack. as far as lunges go, i jog in place or do a half assed lunge. some days i cant even walk because of my injury so i just do the best i can. good luck.
  • k1o2r3i4
    k1o2r3i4 Posts: 33 Member
    I just finished 30ds - Had great results ( down 15 lbs!). This work out is very hard on the knees and can be on the ankles. lots of planks, squats and jump training. This might not be the best option for you if you have an injury as you really need to give it your all in the whole 20 minutes for results. I would say go for it and give it a try but be very careful you are doing proper form and low impact as much as you can. Best of luck :)
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    I am looking online for some different ones but even low impact videos do a lot of twists and turns with the ankle * sigh *
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    anymore suggestions?
  • gottabekd
    gottabekd Posts: 46 Member
    I've got an ankle injury too and I'm dying to do the 30 Day Shred but in the meantime, I'm making due with upper body work. Supermans, seated row, lat pull-downs, curls, tricep extensions and the like.
    It's not the same but it's better to wait until I'm healed than to force the 30 day Shred and prolong my injury!