struggling to eat my recomended calories



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Stop eating "diet" food.
  • rhall9058
    rhall9058 Posts: 270 Member
    Your sugar overage is coming from the fruits. More vegetables or lean protein, high fiber, and less fruit will cure that simple problem. I had a running coach that essentially told me to consider fruit a dessert of the candy variety. While it has great benefits, it doesn't have benefits that can't be found elsewhere!! Also, remember that you'll get more calorie intake by eating higher carb items. I'm in the same boat you are where, I'm still trying to lose, but running/spinning a lot. Remember that you need a lot of carbs to fuel your body through those exercises. This will raise your nutrition values considerably.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    how about if i reduce my running to twice a week and lifting weights three times a week???
    i still want to lose another 28lb but at the same time i want to tone up my body with weights.i also enjoy my runing.

    It sounds like a good idea to do both. Running is fun. Lifting is good for you and will help "tone up"

    Yup. Mix it up in general. You will lose weight just sticking to one kind of exercise, but it isn't likely to make much impact on your body composition.
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    Forget sugars, MFP lumps all sugars together so it's meaningless.

    It's not hard to hit calorie goals if you get out of the diet mindset. Eat food, real food, full fat dairy, lean meats, nuts, peanut butter, eggs, avocado, oil, you know, food. If you've got room, eat some junk food. No one got overweight not eating anything so just dig back in your memory and pull out some of those eating habits.

    This but forget lean meats... go for the fatty cuts. Grass fed preferably. If you can't swing grass fed, then get lean meats. Toxins are stored in the fat.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member

    Also, if you're having trouble eating back your calories then maybe stop running so much. Lift heavy weights instead.

    Not bad advice here. I see that you also previously asked about adding in a second run daily. Maybe just stick with your morning run, then in the afternoon do 30 minutes of lifting weights, instead. I have also found that lifting makes me hungrier than running (go figure… :laugh:) So it may solve both sides of the problem at once. Just make sure to eat plenty of protein! I think the recommendation is .85 to 1 g protein per pound body weight.

    edited for quote formatting … and typo :grumble:

    So wait. How exactly is my advice bad if you yourself said this a couple of posts later.......
    how about if i reduce my running to twice a week and lifting weights three times a week???
    i still want to lose another 28lb but at the same time i want to tone up my body with weights.i also enjoy my runing.

    It sounds like a good idea to do both. Running is fun. Lifting is good for you and will help "tone up"

    I never said to completely stop running. So that can't be the reason I'm giving bad advice. So enlighten me.

    She said it's NOT bad advice. You read it wrong because she is actually going along with what you advised.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    Also, if you're having trouble eating back your calories then maybe stop running so much. Lift heavy weights instead.

    Not bad advice here. I see that you also previously asked about adding in a second run daily. Maybe just stick with your morning run, then in the afternoon do 30 minutes of lifting weights, instead. I have also found that lifting makes me hungrier than running (go figure… :laugh:) So it may solve both sides of the problem at once. Just make sure to eat plenty of protein! I think the recommendation is .85 to 1 g protein per pound body weight.

    edited for quote formatting … and typo :grumble:

    So wait. How exactly is my advice bad if you yourself said this a couple of posts later.......
    how about if i reduce my running to twice a week and lifting weights three times a week???
    i still want to lose another 28lb but at the same time i want to tone up my body with weights.i also enjoy my runing.

    It sounds like a good idea to do both. Running is fun. Lifting is good for you and will help "tone up"

    I never said to completely stop running. So that can't be the reason I'm giving bad advice. So enlighten me.

    I must have typed something wrong. I meant to say it's NOT bad advice. In other words, it's GOOD advice. (If you read the rest of the first quoted post, it should agree with what you said too.) Sorry that I'm apparently struggling with communication this morning.
  • carpyclarky
    So I should up my calories...keep running and mix in some lifting to with it aswell.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    So I should up my calories...keep running and mix in some lifting to with it aswell.

    If you run and lift you need to eat more- or you'll crash. There is a difference in weight loss and fat loss. Your body will make choices with the limited resources you provide it, based in a large part on the activities you participate in. Excessive aerobic cardio on too few calories will likely contribute to a higher percentage loss of lean body mass. My suggestion would be eat plenty of protein and lift heavy 2-3x per week. Add running once or twice a week if you enjoy it and feel like it, but don't feel obligated to run multiple times a week. Rest and recuperation is a big part of the equation too. Don't wear yourself out doing too much.

    I run Monday & Thursday Lift on Tuesday and Friday Rest on Wed,Sat & Sun. I'm a little older and it works well for me. Regardless of how much I eat that's about all I can do without wearing myself down, and that's at caloric maintenance. When I try to lose a few pounds by caloric restriction I cut out the running or I don't have enough energy to do other things.