Starting Again - TODAY



  • dawndreac
    Actually following thru the first day is probably the hardest part. I am beginning today too! And I am excited!
    Congrats on choosing change for the better! You'll be so happy you did it! :)
  • losinnnyc
    losinnnyc Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Amber. I was feeling rather lost for the last few days. Your post inspired me to get back on track! Thanks!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I always feel like I am starting over but I guess it also means I am not quitting so that is a bonus
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    You have to start somewhere, and even if you stop, the point is you are STARTING again, and that is what is most important. I posted a blog today, and one last week. Last week I was feeling pretty disheartened, but this week, I have some clarity, and feel great! anyone who wants to friend request me, I would love to be one of your supporters and could use your support as well. We are all her for one common goal, and that is to be the best versions of ourselves possible, I think the best way to succeed is to surround your self with people with that same common goal-there to lift you up, but to also call you out when needed....! I want that, and want to be that to others!! You can do this girl, just keep moving forward, if you fall, the important thing is that you get back up!
  • Mariejan52
    Mariejan52 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi...New to this and starting today. I am looking forward to becoming healthier. Battling with arthritis, but keep on walking. Need to lose 100 lbs and I am excited to start my journey. Need all the help I can get:wink: Look forward to reading your posts daily, it is good to know I am not alone....
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    I start every morning
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Starting again today myself, I have not been really active here since my pregnancy with second baby and he's now almost 1.5 years old. Time to get off this baby weight - well, really, mommy weight! Hooray for starting new TODAY!
  • m00tmike
    m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
    You need that positivity snowball to keep rolling and getting bigger. Make sure you recognize your successes. Even if it's just not eating that 5th slice of pizza. You can do this!
  • Buzz0213
    Buzz0213 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck! I am once again trying to get back on the wagon. Feel free to add me!
  • Nuxe
    Nuxe Posts: 3 Member
    Today is a new day for me too. It's a new lifestyle not a diet.
    If you start little, like skip a soft drink and drink a glass of water instead, you will see a change. A small change but a change.
    I don't believe I will lose the weight I gained and not put an effort in it. Otherwise this type of website won't exist!
    But when you will see the change, feel better in your own skin, you will be so proud of yourself.
    The best is to be healthy, not skinny
    Everyone have their issues, the fact as you know them will make you stronger to face it.
  • MaryGrace1965
    MaryGrace1965 Posts: 92 Member
    I start new each day. My motto for my lifestyle change is: "One day, one step, one meal, one pound at a time. That's how I have to do it!!" WE ALL CAN DO THIS!!!!! Anyone can add me if they would like. I'm here for inspiration and motivation.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Starting: TODAY.... And make this the LAST TIME you start again! :)

    You totally got this! It's ganna be hard, but worth it.... If it was easy I'm sure most of us wouldn't be here, lol.
  • Sreber22x
    Sreber22x Posts: 19 Member
    Never a better time than today!
  • SilentMelody
    SilentMelody Posts: 57 Member
    Anyone that wants to can be free to add me as well! I just reset my scale and am taking this week to set out a plan of when to exercise so I can quit making the excuses of "I don't have time". My progress yo-yos and I'm tired of it. It's time to make this change, one small step at a time!

    We can do it! :)
  • RLW0930
    RLW0930 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello all - I'm "re-starting" today too! Yesterday was my 39th birthday, and my new mantra is "FIT BY 40"!! I want to lose 40 lbs by my 40th birthday. Trying to look at the bright side by thinking...hey, that's less than a pound a week. That is if I don't slack. Good luck to all of you out there - we can do this! Have a great day!
  • MicheleMMK
    MicheleMMK Posts: 16 Member
    Good luck Amber! I could have written a lot of your post. I'm back here again, hoping to overcome the excuses and bad habits and make it work. Feel free to add me (and anyone else in the thread who is on the same path)

  • kathdel2319
    I'm also restarting after 3 weeks away on a cruise for my 25th anniversary. But I'm restarting excitedly because the things I learned before cruise let me still lose weight while I was off MFP and on a ship full of fantastic food.

    I started this haphazardly in 2012 and got some ok results that were better than I had before. But three months ago the doctor told me that I had to get my cholesterol under control or start meds (which I didn't want). So I found a couple of medical diet and exercise programs and tweaked my personal MFP goals to track those and it worked. I've lost 20 pounds in 3 months and my test results just came back amazingly good.

    My point is that we can use the flexibility of this program to tweak it to our individual needs. We all have different demands and styles of losing so we don't have to follow one particular set. I kept looking till I found a couple of plans I thought were logical. The Mayo Clinic Diet is really strict and I use it for a couple of weeks when I start craving unhealthy food. It just works for me to get stricter when I crave because that style makes my cravings go away. I use the Dean Ornish Spectrum Diet the rest of the time. I try not to listen to cravings but I do listen to honest hunger and fill up on veggies and whole grains when that happens. I might blow one day's plan but if it's honest hunger and not craving I always find that the week's average always comes back into line.

    So I struggled to lose 35 pounds over 5 years before my doctor told me about MFP. I've lost 35 pounds in 13 months of MFP, with 20 of those in three months of using MFP daily. I know the easiest and most rewarding of those 70 pounds lost were where I really used MFP religiously to track my personal goals . I have real hope now that this year using MFP will help me lose another 35 to finally get rid of the weight I gained after having my son - he's 24!
  • Piesmom96
    Piesmom96 Posts: 29 Member
    Every day is a new day and today is a new month as well. We are all here for the same reason. Feel free to add me for support.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    It is very hard in the early days when you are focusing on everything you eat so closely, but I promise it's worth riding it out and before long it'll be second nature.

    My tips would be:

    Don't immediately drastically cut your calories if it will make you feel deprived. Ease down to maintenance first, then increase your deficit each week until you get to the rate you want to be losing at, giving your appetite time to shrink a bit.

    Don't aim too far below your goal, there's no points for giving yourself malnutrition and you're more likely to binge after time.

    Learn what foods you can have enough of to fill you sufficiently. Bulky low calorie veggies for instance will keep you fuller than the equivalent calories worth of cookies.

    Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day or bad meal, most of us do, draw the line and start again straight away - not tomorrow and definitely not next week!

    Use exercise calories - but be sure you're not overestimating. MFP can be overgenerous for some activities. Corroborate your burn rates with other sites like FitBit.

    And lastly, good luck. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • hathor1943
    hathor1943 Posts: 57 Member
    I am glad you have set the goal on the first 20 pounds. This makes it doable. I know you can do this and when you lose the first 20 and hit that goal, it will get easier. I had bypass surgery in 2009 and have 20 pounds to lose to attain what I want to weigh. I am confident it can be done and I know we can do this. Logging what you eat each day really helps. I ate a croissant and when I logged it and it was 400 calories, I know that they will never pass through my lips again. First of all it wasn't worth all the calories. I could have had a nice chicken breast or tuna instead. If you log you will realize and learn what choices to make. I hit on a great idea by accident. I use non-fat Greek yogurt (Dannon Oikos) which is 22 grams of protein and I also eat Kashi Go Lean cereal that has 13 grams of protein. One day for breakfast I decided to mix some Kashi in my yogurt and it was good, but I couldn't finish it so I put it in the fridge. Later that evening I thought I would eat it for a snack. The cereal got soggy and made the concoction the consistency of oatmeal, and I found it enjoyable. The more protein you eat the less hungry you will be. Hope this helps and good luck.