Hungry =(

Ive only been with mfp for 5days and i have lost abit of weight but im finding as time goes on im starting to get hungrier and starting to pick at foods again. Is this just a phase?? I have cut out alot of food that i eat as i use to just pick alot. Any tips on how to get over these hunger blips?? x


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    The key is substitutions. Find lower calories foods that you can eat more of. A sliced cucumber with a little salt and low calorie dressing will fill you up just like a hamburger can - and give you more energy for working out anyway.
  • bbeland01
    If you find yourself snacking I would say snack on almonds, or any high fiber foods. That way you won't find yourself hungry. Also, if cold also be because you are dehydrated. Some times the hunger pangs you feel aren't because you are hungry but because you are thirsty. Try mixing a crystal light packet with some water.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Are you eatting 5-6 small meals a day or are you doing the 3 larger meals? Food loaded with carbs? or high protein with fresh vegies and fruit? I find that if I eat small meals 250-400 cals every 4 hours or so that are heavy on the protein I don't get hungry before the next meal time (4 hours away). If I go more than 5 hours between meals/snacks I feel starved and go overboard. Shakes and bars don't cut it with me, I feel deprived and punished and will go overboard.

    Keep some carrots handy for snacking, if you can keep some boiled eggs or 2 oz chunks of chicken cool then go for that.
  • DancingDreamer
    here's what i have learned from dieting: 1) you're going to be hungry for the first week or two 2) protein fills your stomach up, eat more of it!

    seriously though, it really does, if you eat more beans or eggs, or meat (if you arent a vegetarian like me. and if you do, make sure its the lean kind! or fish!) you wont be as hungry between meals because it will make you feel more full and will give you energy to get through the day.

    hope the hungries go away! good luck frecks! :flowerforyou:
  • klutz25
    klutz25 Posts: 8 Member
    I find that popcorn really helps me through the times that I am searching for something to pick at. There are even 100-calorie microwave packs that I find very handy. It takes a while to eat the popcorn, it satisfies the urge for a snack and it's high fiber without too many calories.
  • zenzoes
    zenzoes Posts: 187
    Best thing for me is to log everything and measure it out. Even and especially if I am overindulging. I feel that once I lose that and start to just munch on this and that, I'm a goner.These days will pass, you have to be strong and look back over the reasons why you started this. Reading the forums help. You can do this. We all can.
  • frecks
    frecks Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for all your advice guys xxxx