Personal benefits of being a stay at home parent.



  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    I wouldn't trade being a SAHM for the world. Spending this time with my little girl means the world to me. But it's not the only way to be a parent
  • Jessica1173
    Jessica1173 Posts: 62 Member
    I’m married lady in my late twenties and am keen to start a family BUT I’m also doing really well at work and have a husband who’s very career focused.

    So, with the risk of my career becoming unsalvageable after a break, of my husband being unable to respect what I do all day (he’s very caring, he just doesn’t understand how much time and work running a home takes), and the risk of losing myself into the “mum and wife” mould, I’m keen to understand some personal benefits of staying at home with our family.

    Not benefits to the children (I’ve read all the articles...) but the benefits to the person giving up all their personal goals while very often not getting the kudos they deserve for it.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m hoping to stay home – it’s the way I was raised and it was the most valuable thing in the world to my upbringing - but it’d be good to see some positives come out of it for me too.

    p.s. this is in NO way a dig at any stay at home (or working) moms and dads, I’m just keen to hear the views of those that have been there – thanks!

    Hi, my mom was a stay at home mom, and she found it was very fulfilling. She was very good at it. I don't think she every regretted making the decision to stay at home with my sisters and I. My dad worked outside the home and hated his job. He did not feel fulfilled. He always kind of made fun of mom for staying at home, even though she was very happy. He wondered what she was doing all day if he came home and the house was messy or dinner was not cooked. Of course, there were difficulties but the relationships you form with your children are forever. All of my siblings like to call my mom regularly and we are really close to her, even if she or we do things that offend the other. I am definitely not as close with my dad.

    I am not sure I personally am cut out for the stay at home mom role. I find it quite stressful and find I am not a very good stay at home mom. I am not really a good teacher to my son. I would keep him home if I could but I am not good at being consistent in the teacher of a young child role. I love him and enjoy spending time with him. I really miss him at school this year. I am not sure that the stay at home mom role is for me. He is really taking off at school and doing so well. He is learning so much. I never really saw the point of staying at home if my son is in school. I could be doing something work-oriented during that time, not that running a house is not work. I just find it kind of stifling and boring. I have a lot of skills that are not used tending to a house. I don't really feel proud of myself. I have been home with my son since he was born, but now that he is going to school, I want to go back to school and study archeology/anthropology. I feel like I am meant to pursue that field. We really do need the income too.
  • Jessica1173
    Jessica1173 Posts: 62 Member
    It really depends on your goals, ambitions, skills, and life purpose what is right for you to do as far as staying at home or working outside the home. When your kids go to school when you are done having kids you can always go back to work because that frees up a lot of time during the day to do something like that.