Hi, I like beer.



  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    Yup, gotta have them Friday night beers after work.
    I like Guinness but have found, surprisingly, I can drink an MGD 64.
    (or 2....or 3.)
    Here in CT there is a beer not so easy to find - Haffenreffer, that I really like. Only problem is, it only comes in a 40oz.
    I don't buy it anymore. If we don't drink the whole thing in one night, it gets a little flat by the next day. Pouring it down the drain is akin to alcohol abuse!!

    It's Friday:drinker: and I have already saved enough calories for 2, but only 2. I'm serious about this weight loss thingy

    Dear lord I haven't had a Haffenreffer in probably 30 years. I have never been so sick as I was on those things one night. Just the thought of it my stomach do backflips. I am sure mixing it with Southern Comfort wasn't my best move either, lol. That was an ugly night.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    I too LOVE beer... I really enjoy a really good beer (blue moon, Stella, Grolsh, Yengling, Pumpkin ale) with dinner or when we are out with friends. obviously with a "lifestyle" change in eating I had to make adjustments to my beer intake. My husband and I go out on Sundays to watch football, since we are usually there all day, I will drink the light beers, coors light, miller light or miller 64's. I track my beers just as I do my food, not that I will be on track with my calories for the day but because I committed to tracking everything that goes into my mouth this time around. It doesn't stop me from drinking the beer because i track it, it's just mind over matter for me. I only drink beer once a week right now and when football ends I will most likely only drink beer when we go out ( we have 4 kids 18, 15, 14, 9 so we don't get out often ;) I don't drink to get drunk but now that my eating habits are different I do find that I am a little bit of a light weight when previously I could pick em up and put them down with the best of them. It's weird but when you make a decision to make a lifestyle change its just that, you change your lifestyle. I still go out and have fun, I'm just not getting wasted, I'm enjoying the taste of something I really like to drink.

    Good Luck!!
  • RachaelRenk
    RachaelRenk Posts: 116 Member
    I think this is my problem, I do not drink to get drunk (not to say it doesn't accidentally happen sometimes when there's a really good imperial or double ipa on tap, haha!)...it's more of an appreciation thing, like some day's I don't eat just to survive but because there is some really, really good food to eat! If it were a thing where I was getting wasted all the time I think it would be easier to say, "hey, this really bad for me in a lot of ways". Instead it's something that I consider myself to be moderate with and also that I have a passion for/interest in. For a while I tried only ordering 12oz instead of 16oz but then I would just get three 12oz glasses of beer instead of my normal two 16oz. Tricky, tricky. I think another good thing for me would be to not hang around at work so much if I'm not working. I could also use that time to work out...hmmm...