Stupid freaking scales

So I'm beginning to get frustrated. Every scale I've been on lately gives me a different number that varies by 10 pounds each time. I'm really scared about going to the doctor tomorrow because what if I'm not as far into my weightloss as I thought? :( Nervous


  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    Weight yourself using the same scale placed on the same spot at the same hour every day/week/month, whenever you do it. Scales can really mess with your mind.
  • GirlWithCookies
    GirlWithCookies Posts: 138 Member
    This response is kind of after the fact, but you can check the scale you use by weighing an unopened bag of flour or something similar. So if a 5-pound bag of flour doesn't come up as 5 on the scale, then the scale is not accurate.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Scales will weigh different sometimes so don't compare your home scale to your mom's scale or the one in your doctor's office. The one you weigh on at the doctor's will compare to any previous weight you had taken there so it should still be accurate to that reading.