Watch those serving sizes...

The other day, I bought a pack of chocolate covered pretzels, when I went to open it, I looked at the nutritional values. It stated that one serving is 40g, and that there are approximately 5 servings per container. Ok, I said, 5 servings, seems a bit much for this little bag, but whatevs. Keep reading, 200 cal per serving. That's....1000 cals for the bag?? What's in these pretzels??? I divided the bag up into 5 piles, 4 having 4 pretzels, one stuck with 3. I'm looking at this like, this is really 200 cals? Then I decided to look at the total mass of the bag. Net mass was 91.4 g. Now, if 40 g is one serving, there ought to be 200 g in this bag! Moral of the story? If something doesn't sound right, don't trust it. Nutritional labels don't always get it right.