I'm not eating enough???

I started this program 15 days ago. Through exercise and diet, I've lost 4 lbs already. I've been exercising every day, but as far as my food intake goes, I'm lucky if I eat 3/4s of the calories I'm supposed to eat. The problem is, I'm not hungry enough to eat as much as the program suggested. I'm supposed to eat 1390 calories per day, but I think the highest I have gone is just over 1000 calories. Usually, I'm under 1000. This program doesn't think I'm eating enough calories, but if I eat any more, I'm going to be stuffed to the gills. It says my body is in "starvation mode," which will make me have problems losing weight.

Any advice?


  • mdpkelley
    you can drink a smoothie or something to get those extra needed calories
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Drink a protein shake with milk. Delicious.
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    maybe try some warm milk before bed
  • Bethaniey
    I wish I had THAT problem. Do what you're doing. It's fine.
  • lfell6
    lfell6 Posts: 24 Member
    Gosh how can you survive on under 1000 calories!
    Try breaking your food up into 3 small meals a day and 2-3 snacks,
    Aim for 2-300 calories per meal and 1-250 per snack (IE 15 Almonds are 115 calories, Bananas are around 100-140 depending on size)
    Not only does this get your calorie intake up to a safe level but it keeps your metabolism fueled so you burn more than you would from eating 3 4-500 calorie meals.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    It says my body is in "starvation mode," which will make me have problems losing weight.

    I can't say whether or not you are eating enough or not, but it is established beyond any shadow of a doubt that the idea someone will stop losing weight because they don't eat enough is completely bogus.

    Nothing wrong with listening to your body - if it says you're full, then you're full!

    Good luck!
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring everything? You may be eating a little more than you think you are, which is why you feel full. If you aren't diligently weight and measuring, I would recommend doing that for a week before you worry about upping your calories to see if you're really eating as little as you think you are.
  • katorihanzo
    katorihanzo Posts: 234 Member
    The normal progress of these posts goes like this.

    Someone asks how OP got overweight if you can't eat the calories. The OP usually answers that veggies make them full. Someone forwards OP to the search function (I have started for you). Occasionally someone will give OP tailored advice if OP opens diary. Several people tell OP to eat calorie dense food, such as nuts, olive oil, full fat dairy, and eggs. Someone tells OP not to eat if they're not hungry. Other people remind this poster that this encourages malnutrition and unhealthy attitudes toward food, never mind the many reasons that hunger signals are unreliable. Thread devolves.

    At some point, everyone hopes OP paid attention about the calorie dense food.

    Here are a few examples. There are many more.


    hahaha we have a seasoned MFP forum user, here. She's 100% right. This is the 900th time since I started using MFP that I've seen this thread started.

    There's a chance you aren't being honest about how much you're actually eating. Are you weighing your food? Even a few wrong guesses throughout the day can make the difference between 1000 calories and 1300 calories.

    But, yeah. Eat a big handful of almonds and throw some avacado in your salad and badda bing, there's 300 calories.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    The normal progress of these posts goes like this.

    Someone asks how OP got overweight if you can't eat the calories. The OP usually answers that veggies make them full. Someone forwards OP to the search function (I have started for you). Occasionally someone will give OP tailored advice if OP opens diary. Several people tell OP to eat calorie dense food, such as nuts, olive oil, full fat dairy, and eggs. Someone tells OP not to eat if they're not hungry. Other people remind this poster that this encourages malnutrition and unhealthy attitudes toward food, never mind the many reasons that hunger signals are unreliable. Thread devolves.

    At some point, everyone hopes OP paid attention about the calorie dense food.

  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I started this program 15 days ago. Through exercise and diet, I've lost 4 lbs already. I've been exercising every day, but as far as my food intake goes, I'm lucky if I eat 3/4s of the calories I'm supposed to eat. The problem is, I'm not hungry enough to eat as much as the program suggested. I'm supposed to eat 1390 calories per day, but I think the highest I have gone is just over 1000 calories. Usually, I'm under 1000. This program doesn't think I'm eating enough calories, but if I eat any more, I'm going to be stuffed to the gills. It says my body is in "starvation mode," which will make me have problems losing weight.

    Any advice?

    The reason it is recommended to eat at least 1200 calories per day, because at this number dieticians and doctors can be reasonable sure that you get all your nutrients (macro and micro) for the day. You are trying to establish an eating pattern for the rest of you life. Usually eating under 1000 calories per day is not sustainable over a long period of time (though people with an eating disorder do so).

    Are you weighing everything but liquids (those are measured)? Double check that calorie values for your food, because only the other day somebody had 2 pieces of toast with butter and jam for 100 cal. as an entry and I really want some of that :-) I used to log around 1100, now that I am actually measuring I am logging 1350 eating the very same food in the very same quantity ... I found this site quite an eye opener http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/starvation-mode/
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    The normal progress of these posts goes like this.

    Someone asks how OP got overweight if you can't eat the calories. The OP usually answers that veggies make them full. Someone forwards OP to the search function (I have started for you). Occasionally someone will give OP tailored advice if OP opens diary. Several people tell OP to eat calorie dense food, such as nuts, olive oil, full fat dairy, and eggs. Someone tells OP not to eat if they're not hungry. Other people remind this poster that this encourages malnutrition and unhealthy attitudes toward food, never mind the many reasons that hunger signals are unreliable. Thread devolves.

    At some point, everyone hopes OP paid attention about the calorie dense food.

    Here are a few examples. There are many more....

    Yep. I would have written this, but you saved me the trouble.

    However, if you want more, check out this URL:
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    The normal progress of these posts goes like this.

    Someone asks how OP got overweight if you can't eat the calories. The OP usually answers that veggies make them full. Someone forwards OP to the search function (I have started for you). Occasionally someone will give OP tailored advice if OP opens diary. Several people tell OP to eat calorie dense food, such as nuts, olive oil, full fat dairy, and eggs. Someone tells OP not to eat if they're not hungry. Other people remind this poster that this encourages malnutrition and unhealthy attitudes toward food, never mind the many reasons that hunger signals are unreliable. Thread devolves.

    At some point, everyone hopes OP paid attention about the calorie dense food.

