Sugar going over?

Hello, on my way to losing wieght after my 5th and last baby; lost the weight after last baby on this website! Anyways, I don't remember paying that much attn to the sugar intake last time, so recently I added sugar to my nutrition levels. I go over after a bowl of all bran and a banana for breakfast! How is it possible to eat any kind of fruit or say a protien bar without going over the sugar allowance? Just wondered if it is accurate. Thanks!


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Just ignore the sugar in fruit. Unless you are eating more than 3 servings of fruit you don't have to worry about the sugar content. I believe the sugar level on MFP is for added sugar, unfortunately the database does not distinguish between added and naturally occurring.

    see the exert from the following web site,
    "How Much Can You Feed Your Sweet Tooth?
    Sugars found naturally in fruits and milk are not a problem. It's the added sugars that need to be limited because they provide calories but few vitamins and minerals. You'll find sugar-laden food at the top of the Food Pyramid. Added sugars can be found in soft drinks, candy, jams, jellies, syrups and table sugar we add to coffee and cereal. Added sugar can also appear in sweetened yogurt, soups, spaghetti sauces, applesauce and other items where you wouldn't suspect it unless you check the list of ingredients.

    Here are some guidelines for added sugar based on calories in the daily food choices:

    1,600 calories - Limit sugar to 6 teaspoons per day or 22 grams per day
    2,200 calories - Limit sugar to 12 teaspoons per day or 44 grams per day
    2,800 calories - Limit sugar to 18 teaspoons per day or 66 grams per day

    So if the food label on your sweetened yogurt says a one-cup serving contains 22 grams of sugar, and your meal plan has 1,600 calories a day, you’ve eaten your day’s allotment of sugar."
  • Scncartist
    Scncartist Posts: 173
    From what I have gleamed on the message boards MFP sets sugar levels (and a few others) really low.

    When it comes to sugar, if it comes from fruit I ignore it. (I should eat more fruit but I don't really eat much). Instead I use my sugar guidelines for refined sugars. I keep my sugar under (hopefully) when it is sugar from any other food besides fruit.

    I hope that helps! :-)
  • dougsheldon
    I used to have the same problem but I stopped counting the sugar in fruit and just started buying things that had little or no added sugar, because like you said, you eat a banana and you're already over your daily limit. And the recovery drink I take is high in sugar because you need to spike your insulin after a workout so my sugar intake was always pretty high. Watch out for things that are "sugar free" though. Because artificial sweeteners can be even more harmful to the body. And GOOD protein bars shouldn't have much sugar in them at all. The ones I get have 1 or 2 grams in them.
  • DancingDreamer
    like everyone else said, if the majority of your sugar is coming from fruit, and the rest from tiny bits in all your other foods dont worry. also as a tip bananas are HIGH in sugar (though it is the good kind) and other fruits will make your sugar ticker on here less high.
  • caseynjason
    caseynjason Posts: 96 Member
    Ok, avoid refined sugars, good to eat natural sugar in fruit and stuff. I was surprised to find that my favorite yogurit, (light n fit) that is only 80 cals, has lots of sugar. NO more of that! Thanks!
  • Lauris83
    Lauris83 Posts: 58
    thanks everyone for the info! I have been really worried about how high the sugar is in the fruits I eat, so glad I found this post.