Fear of the Gym All Over Again! (HELP)

After being a member of the same, comfortable, gym for the last three years, I let my membership expire and joined a new gym because it is on the campus I work on and is just plain GORGEOUS with countless resources. They emphasize not only exercise, but wellness, and have experts who help coach us throughout the entire process. I was really excited about joining and taking my health even more seriously until I had my first workout this evening.

It was if I was 120 pounds overweight all over again. Everyone was GORGEOUS and ridiculously fit (at least in my eyes), especially the guys in my area. Many of them did were doing free weights, which I have never done, and looked amazing doing it. I felt completely out of their league. So I bypassed the machines I would work proudly on at my old gym, and got on an elliptical far away from them all. I tried to muster up some courage to go to the strength machines about halfway in, but the technology they use (Technogym) seemed like a foreign language to me and I was far too embarrassed to ask anyone questions about how it worked.

That being said, I left after 35 minutes, feeling dejected and ashamed. The excitement I had originally felt became a internal dialogue about how quickly I could cancel my membership and go back to my old gym. Do any of you have similar experiences with this? What have you done to overcome it?


  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    When I first started working out at the gym, I brought some friends with me who were experienced with pretty much everything. They taught me about proper form, how to use the machines, and a lot of valuable lessons. Now I workout by myself and do my own thing. It's always nice to see familiar faces and regulars at the gym and that makes me feel right at home. Watching others workout also gave me ideas on how to use the machines and helped me put more variety in my routines. Vids on the internet may help you out as well.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    They have experts who coach you through the entire process … ask them for some help!

    There's nothing wrong with not knowing how to use a machine or how to do free weights. And most people respect someone who is trying to improve by doing new things and learning.

    It sounds a lot like the "new kid" feeling - whether it's a new job, a new school, or a new gym, I think we (humans) have a tendency to feel a bit out of place in an unfamiliar situation. It's normal to compare oneself to others and be concerned about what they think. But it's good to accept that the feelings are there, and push through them anyway.

    I'd say give the gym an honest try. Ask questions. Look like a fool once or twice (I've done that many times! lol). You may find you really like it after all.
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    After being a member of the same, comfortable, gym for the last three years, I let my membership expire and joined a new gym because it is on the campus I work on and is just plain GORGEOUS with countless resources. They emphasize not only exercise, but wellness, and have experts who help coach us throughout the entire process. I was really excited about joining and taking my health even more seriously until I had my first workout this evening.

    It was if I was 120 pounds overweight all over again. Everyone was GORGEOUS and ridiculously fit (at least in my eyes), especially the guys in my area. Many of them did were doing free weights, which I have never done, and looked amazing doing it. I felt completely out of their league. So I bypassed the machines I would work proudly on at my old gym, and got on an elliptical far away from them all. I tried to muster up some courage to go to the strength machines about halfway in, but the technology they use (Technogym) seemed like a foreign language to me and I was far too embarrassed to ask anyone questions about how it worked.

    That being said, I left after 35 minutes, feeling dejected and ashamed. The excitement I had originally felt became a internal dialogue about how quickly I could cancel my membership and go back to my old gym. Do any of you have similar experiences with this? What have you done to overcome it?
    I worked out at a ladies only gym in my early 20s because I was overweight and self conscious. Now, I never ever feel intimidated at all. I pay my money and deserve to be there like the rest and I just joined the Gym where all the ripped people hang out. I was laughing with my husband the other day...we didn't even realize how many ripped people lived in our city. I am pretty average right now, but I have the mommy tummy and am trying to get more toned. Maybe it's my age (38) but I couldn't care less. Oh. And I look like a dog when I work out...stumble out of be throw on my workout clothes, head to the gym with my coffee in tow and do my regime so I can get home before my kids and husband wake up.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I only did the cardio machines at first. After I'd had some success with my weight loss, I gained the confidence to star going to group strength training classes. I was the fattest and clumsiest person there at first, and that was tough, but I kept going anyway and now I'm not. People aren't judging you as much as you think they are. Most people just ignore me, and those who do talk to me are friendly and encouraging.

    Edited to add: I go to a university gym too, and most of the people there are young and attractive, but I see this as an added bonus, not as a negative.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    After being a member of the same, comfortable, gym for the last three years, I let my membership expire and joined a new gym because it is on the campus I work on and is just plain GORGEOUS with countless resources. They emphasize not only exercise, but wellness, and have experts who help coach us throughout the entire process. I was really excited about joining and taking my health even more seriously until I had my first workout this evening.

    It was if I was 120 pounds overweight all over again. Everyone was GORGEOUS and ridiculously fit (at least in my eyes), especially the guys in my area. Many of them did were doing free weights, which I have never done, and looked amazing doing it. I felt completely out of their league. So I bypassed the machines I would work proudly on at my old gym, and got on an elliptical far away from them all. I tried to muster up some courage to go to the strength machines about halfway in, but the technology they use (Technogym) seemed like a foreign language to me and I was far too embarrassed to ask anyone questions about how it worked.

    That being said, I left after 35 minutes, feeling dejected and ashamed. The excitement I had originally felt became a internal dialogue about how quickly I could cancel my membership and go back to my old gym. Do any of you have similar experiences with this? What have you done to overcome it?

    Just suck it up and ask someone how to use the machines. When I had just started at my gym, I had no clue how to properly use the machines. The ONE trainer who worked during the time I was there happened to be a drop dead gorgeous, muscled hunk almost young enough to be my son...but I asked him if he could show me how to use a few machines. He ended up being my biggest champion in that gym, and even after he moved out of state, we stayed in touch. He has actually visited me at my house a few times!

    I'm still 50lbs overweight, and it shows...but I walk into that gym like I own it. The big muscled guys in the free weight area have started to smile at me.