
Acupuncture does it work has anyone used it if so for what issues........I personally have used it for pain and it worked but thinking of using it for something else....such as weight loss and ttc


  • lila1958
    lila1958 Posts: 37 Member
    I have tried it, but the way I understand it is you have to keep doing it, like exercise. So probably cheaper to just exercise!
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Well I figured it would require more than one vist but wonder if it would help with weight loss....ttc....pcos.......hypothyroidism
  • Mongognom
    Mongognom Posts: 123
    No. It's all placebo. There is no easy way.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    do you speak from experience or no.....I know that it does work for pain infact has shown in many studies that it works for pain....just not sure about the other things that I listed. I have also read some fertility clinics use it in connection with IVF treatment so I thought well does it work with individuals ttc who have pcos
  • sarah456s
    sarah456s Posts: 98 Member
    It works very well for fertility, stress/anxiety, as well as pain.

    Weight loss...meh. It can possibly provide some marginal help with weight loss, but at the end of the day you have to take in less than you burn. An acupuncturist may be able to help with suggestions for diet, with improving digestive functioning, suggesting herbs that might help, reducing pain so you can exercise, all that good stuff. They might even suggest a detox, or be able to offer B12 shots (depending on the state). You could maybe lose a few pounds from all that. But I am very skeptical that any acupuncturist can help people lose much weight with just acupuncture.

    [I'm an acupuncturist. Here I am on a weight loss site, watching my calorie intake and exercising.]
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    thank you for a more in-depth answer....I actually already do b12 injections shots at home on a monthly basis as I run low on it....even with the monthly injections I still don't hit mid way on the labs but at least am not bellow normal now (pcp put me on b12 and allows me to do it myself as I am a CMA)
    I understand the whole idea of less in than you burn concept.....I've have lost over 110lbs in just over a year....don't get me wrong have a long ways to go, but also know that part of it was trying to get my body back into check, have many b12, vit d. B112 I don't absorb right like most thus why I have to do injections, vit d well I have to wear sunblock even in the winter, as I burn in the shade in a quick amount of time plus live in a state where most are deficient in vit d. plus the thyroid issues combined with pcos....hormones just all over the place currently have my thyroid check a lot and has helped as each time I lose 20 or more pounds it seems that my medications needs to be adjusted to a higher dose.....if I don't than I start to gain weight it is really kind of frustrating sometimes
  • laele75
    laele75 Posts: 283 Member
    Acupuncture is for inflammation and pain mostly. My chiropractor used it to clean out my sinuses once (yeah, I know, crazy but it worked) but for weight loss? No, I'm sorry, don't buy that. I got two acupuncture treatments a week for 2 months (I had completely messed up my back and it was so swollen he couldn't adjust me) and didn't lose an ounce. It's a nice thought though.