19 year old trying to lose weight, please help!



  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I have been doing 30-60 min of cardio 4-5 times a week for a month with strength training every other day and every week I gain about two pounds. I have been watching what I eat with the occasional slip-up but for how hard I am working in the gym, WHY AREN'T I LOSING WEIGHT?!

    I weigh 144 and hope to lose 15 pounds if not more.

    You can not out-exercise poor eating habits. You say you are watching what you eat with occasional slip-ups...are you weighing/measuring and logging everything to eat?
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Hi there my name is Amy and i lost over 70lbs in 3 months without having to give up food and doing little exercise. I see a lot of people on here struggling and trying to lose weight with diets, pills and hardcore exercising.. .

    Oh for the love of everything delicious, just stop. 11 posts of the exact same spam wasn't enough? I hope the mods get on this.
  • johnhendo
    Soo many lol's at all your responses to my comment.

    Im riding a roller coaster? Let me just shuv the 35kgs back onto my "roller coaster" ride. Oh and thats just the fat i lost, not to mention the additional fat i lost, then muscle gained.

    If u think the reading this app gives u is correct, you are kidding yourself. Take into account personal metabolic rate and previous metabolic damage that may have been done.

    This app says for someone my size, ie height, i need to eat over 3k calories to maintain weight which is completely wrong, but oh wait, cause the app tells me too i think i might just do that. Cause the app couldn't be wrong....

    Enjoy continually over estimating your input. I'll enjoy my continued transformation.

    At the end of the day its personal preference, but when trying to lose weight why would you purposely consume more food and ruin your losses? no your not under fuelling your body. This site is great for tracking calories, however, that is as far as it goes. Please do some research on websites not affiliated with this, or Women's Guide or some **** like that. Reputable sources please.

    I pose this question, people have a base metabolic rate, in which calories they burn when doing nothing, at a complete rest. Key words, DOING NOTHING. Are you saying you input walking around into the exercise counter? or sitting at a computer typing? Cause these expel calories, and by your reasoning this may cause you to be under fuelled...

    Now to sit back, and wait for the hate!

    Nope, no hate. Just reality...I lost 110 pounds so far eating back (some of) my exercise calories. Also, sometimes I get to eat ice cream. And pizza.

    first off congrats thats huge! Each to their own i guess, i dont like doing it, and i still get to eat the stuff i want as long as i fit it in right with my macro's.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Soo many lol's at all your responses to my comment.

    Im riding a roller coaster? Let me just shuv the 35kgs back onto my "roller coaster" ride. Oh and thats just the fat i lost, not to mention the additional fat i lost, then muscle gained.

    If u think the reading this app gives u is correct, you are kidding yourself. Take into account personal metabolic rate and previous metabolic damage that may have been done.

    This app says for someone my size, ie height, i need to eat over 3k calories to maintain weight which is completely wrong, but oh wait, cause the app tells me too i think i might just do that. Cause the app couldn't be wrong....

    Enjoy continually over estimating your input. I'll enjoy my continued transformation.

    At the end of the day its personal preference, but when trying to lose weight why would you purposely consume more food and ruin your losses? no your not under fuelling your body. This site is great for tracking calories, however, that is as far as it goes. Please do some research on websites not affiliated with this, or Women's Guide or some **** like that. Reputable sources please.

    I pose this question, people have a base metabolic rate, in which calories they burn when doing nothing, at a complete rest. Key words, DOING NOTHING. Are you saying you input walking around into the exercise counter? or sitting at a computer typing? Cause these expel calories, and by your reasoning this may cause you to be under fuelled...

    Now to sit back, and wait for the hate!

    Nope, no hate. Just reality...I lost 110 pounds so far eating back (some of) my exercise calories. Also, sometimes I get to eat ice cream. And pizza.

    first off congrats thats huge! Each to their own i guess, i dont like doing it, and i still get to eat the stuff i want as long as i fit it in right with my macro's.

    As a 5ft3 41 year old woman, I'd never get to eat a lot of things I love, without also having to give up nutritious food for the day in order to keep to my calories. Yes to each their own, so telling people here that it's a bad idea isn't fair. This is how the system is set up and if you prefer to do it a different way, good for you. But your tone implied that anyone eating back their calories is doing it wrong. We aren't, we just aren't doing it your way.
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    Soo many lol's at all your responses to my comment.

    Im riding a roller coaster? Let me just shuv the 35kgs back onto my "roller coaster" ride. Oh and thats just the fat i lost, not to mention the additional fat i lost, then muscle gained.

    If u think the reading this app gives u is correct, you are kidding yourself. Take into account personal metabolic rate and previous metabolic damage that may have been done.

    This app says for someone my size, ie height, i need to eat over 3k calories to maintain weight which is completely wrong, but oh wait, cause the app tells me too i think i might just do that. Cause the app couldn't be wrong....

    Enjoy continually over estimating your input. I'll enjoy my continued transformation.

    At the end of the day its personal preference, but when trying to lose weight why would you purposely consume more food and ruin your losses? no your not under fuelling your body. This site is great for tracking calories, however, that is as far as it goes. Please do some research on websites not affiliated with this, or Women's Guide or some **** like that. Reputable sources please.

    I pose this question, people have a base metabolic rate, in which calories they burn when doing nothing, at a complete rest. Key words, DOING NOTHING. Are you saying you input walking around into the exercise counter? or sitting at a computer typing? Cause these expel calories, and by your reasoning this may cause you to be under fuelled...

    Now to sit back, and wait for the hate!

    I think he's right! :-) I've seen a few people lose weight like this and keep it off. Personally, I eat about 25-50% of my exercise calories back. Just so I don't overestimate. Both methods work because we're all different. To answer the OP's question, most of us are not experts even if some of us have successfully lost a great amount of weight because our bodies are different, and our health conditions are different. It does not mean that any body on here are wrong. But simply what I mean is that, if you're doing everything right, then maybe just call your doctor, leave him a message if necessary and ask him or her, your doctor will know if it's a health condition or point you in the right direction. Best of luck!!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    f you're doing everything right, then maybe just call your doctor, leave him a message if necessary and ask him or her, your doctor will know if it's a health condition or point you in the right direction. Best of luck!!

    Unfortunately, most doctors know less about nutrition than you think. (in fact, many of the frequent posters here on MFP are much more knowledgable) I'm not saying don't ask for help from a professional, but, unless there's a medical reason for your difficulty, ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Soo many lol's at all your responses to my comment.

    Im riding a roller coaster? Let me just shuv the 35kgs back onto my "roller coaster" ride. Oh and thats just the fat i lost, not to mention the additional fat i lost, then muscle gained.

    If u think the reading this app gives u is correct, you are kidding yourself. Take into account personal metabolic rate and previous metabolic damage that may have been done.

    This app says for someone my size, ie height, i need to eat over 3k calories to maintain weight which is completely wrong, but oh wait, cause the app tells me too i think i might just do that. Cause the app couldn't be wrong....

    Enjoy continually over estimating your input. I'll enjoy my continued transformation.

    At the end of the day its personal preference, but when trying to lose weight why would you purposely consume more food and ruin your losses? no your not under fuelling your body. This site is great for tracking calories, however, that is as far as it goes. Please do some research on websites not affiliated with this, or Women's Guide or some **** like that. Reputable sources please.

    I pose this question, people have a base metabolic rate, in which calories they burn when doing nothing, at a complete rest. Key words, DOING NOTHING. Are you saying you input walking around into the exercise counter? or sitting at a computer typing? Cause these expel calories, and by your reasoning this may cause you to be under fuelled...

    Now to sit back, and wait for the hate!

    As much as you would like to point out about how most people are wrong, the assumption that you lost a lot of weight and gained muscle at the same time is fairly assuming. Yes, you gained strength but during weight loss, it's fairly common to also lose lean body mass. It's actually pretty difficult to gain new lean body mass at the same time you lose fat. In fact, very few even have that ability. One being complete noob gains which will probably yield 2-4 lbs of new mass and people morbidly obese, but even then as they lean out, they will end up losing some of that mass. Now if you cycled between bulk and cut, then it's a different story.

    I can tell you I burn 3000 calories a day and eat 2400-2600 calories. I know this because I average 1 lb per week when I concentrate on my weight loss. And lets be real, most people don't have metabolic damage. To assume that is just crazy. If that were the case, most people would struggle to even lose weight, which isn't the case.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    f you're doing everything right, then maybe just call your doctor, leave him a message if necessary and ask him or her, your doctor will know if it's a health condition or point you in the right direction. Best of luck!!

    Unfortunately, most doctors know less about nutrition than you think. (in fact, many of the frequent posters here on MFP are much more knowledgable) I'm not saying don't ask for help from a professional, but, unless there's a medical reason for your difficulty, ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician.

    True. I have a few friends that are doctors and they have all told me that don't have any education in nutrition. Dietitians are much better for this kind of information. Nutrition is really as specialty just like cardio or dermatology would be.
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
    f you're doing everything right, then maybe just call your doctor, leave him a message if necessary and ask him or her, your doctor will know if it's a health condition or point you in the right direction. Best of luck!!

    Unfortunately, most doctors know less about nutrition than you think. (in fact, many of the frequent posters here on MFP are much more knowledgable) I'm not saying don't ask for help from a professional, but, unless there's a medical reason for your difficulty, ask your doctor to refer you to a dietician.

    Exactly he or she could refer her to dietician. Most insurances don't pay for dieticians, specialist of whatever kind without the referral. It could be a health issue (hopefully not) that the doctor himself could help her to diagnose.

    Most of the responses are very knowledgeable but again we're all different. What worked for you (in general) might not work for me (in general) and that doesn't mean yours or their method is wrong unless you have an eating disorder of course.

    Just call your doctor, it is the best common-sense advice I can give. He or she can POINT you in the right direction.
  • soyum
    soyum Posts: 49 Member
    My only concern was the suggestion to live off 1000 cals a day. That's just not doable long term for probably no one. When I was around 19 years old, I did just that. I lived off tuna and grapefruit juice, jogged and played tennis every day. Lost about 100lbs in 6 months or less. And developed a heart issue to go with it that I've had to deal with since. ;)