7 Day Average

I see posts from time to time asking if it's OK to 'bank' calories over short periods of time to 'spend' for a night out, or a special meal etc. Generally, the consensus in replies is that, yes it's fine.

This led me to make a small update to my own Excel spreadsheet recently as I tend to go a fair amount over goal/maintenance at the weekend while being under during the week. I have a table in which I record various daily metrics regarding calories, one of these being net intake. Net intake is defined as 'total calories consumed less exercise calories'.

I have added a column which calculates a rolling seven day average of net intake. From this I can better keep track of how my 'over' days affect my overall calorie intake. It is easy to see if the rolling average is getting too close, or even over, where I need them to be.

The Excel function used is AVERAGE.

Just thought I'd share, as it's been helpful to me. Happy to post a screenshot, if anyone is that interested how it looks and the information it provides.