I've heard a lot about insanity...

So, as the title says, i've heard a lot about Insanity from posts in this forum. I've seen his infomercials, so i know what it is. But i have a few questions for those of you that have tried it.

All the people in his video's are "barely" overweight, or just want to tone up their bodies. Is it 'doable' for someone that has 40ish lbs to lose and in no way in shape? My exercises have been consisting of walking at diff speeds and inclines on my tredmill at home. It's gotten me 50lbs lost, but i've 'stalled' again. The website shows the program costing $120, but i don't want to spend THAT much on something that is probably way out of my league! Is the whole program worth it? Can i find it for less money?


  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    People who are significantly overweight have done it and seen great results. But it's always essential to know your limits with any program and especially a really intense one like Insanity. This is where I think that having a Beachbody coach would be good. I've never had one because I have all the support I need here, but if you get a coach that can teach you to modify or help you to stay motivated if you can't do all the moves for as long as Shaun T wants you to, it could help. If you feel like you'd like to work up to Insanity or just give it a try, there are lots of videos on youtube of people doing the workouts (and I think maybe one or two of the workouts themselves). So you could just give that a shot. I know that there are a lot of videos of the Fit Test. Youtube is also a great place to try HIIT workouts if you aren't ready for Insanity or are nervous about it. I love the HIITilates workouts (actually, I love all the Blogilates workouts, not just her HIITS). Another one to look at is Turbo Fire (again, there are demos on youtube that you can follow along with). I'm doing that before I do Insanity and it's still a Beachbody workout so the coaching option is still there. It's still very challenging, but it's SUPER fun. Great music. But anyways, maybe trying a few free youtube ones might help you decide if you want to spend the money. I'd say it'd be worth it, but only if you're going to really commit to it. Just like with any program. I'm sure you would be able to do it though. Good luck with whatever you choose! :D
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member

    You do have to have a basic level of fitness to try Insanity. I consider myself quite fit and it is a challenge and a half for me! I am on my second round now. When I first started it, I was about your level of fitness but I also ran. I found it so so so so so hard the first time round and most of the time I saw spots during the workouts!! The thing about Insanity is that if you try and go at the speed of the (super fit) people on the screen, then you will never finish. The whole point of it is to do it to the best of YOUR ability and you will see huge improvements and lose weight. I lost 15 lbs in my first round and now I am hoping to lose that again and tone up now that Ive lost more weight.
    It is expensive,but I would definitely say its worth it - lets face it, you are definitely going to do it if you spend that much right!!?