Losing weight but not inches

Has anyone found that the weight is coming off but not inches? I'm really happy with the drop in weight but was curious as to why I've lost 25 pounds since May but only lost about 1/2 an inch off my hips. Has anyone else experienced this or found a way to lose inches?
I'm exercising but not to the extreme, I try to run about 3x a week and do yoga 2x, plus walk whenever I can.
I presume its just taking its time and eventually with patience the inches will go, just was interested in what others experiences were.


  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
    Your body will catch p eventually. This happened to me when I first started losing weight. I didn't look much different and then one day I changed.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I find it goes it fits and starts. I'll lose some weight then the weight loss slows and my waist size etc changes. It just seems to be pretty random in my experience
  • barbz2119
    barbz2119 Posts: 124 Member
    I suppose that's what it is, I'v enever lost inches from my waist but now I am, but the hips wont budge. I've always been straight up and down...may end up with the coveted hour glass figure :laugh:
    Thanks guys!
  • MizSookeh
    MizSookeh Posts: 106 Member
    It was around the 25-30 pounds lost mark for me (years back, before piling it all back on!), when I really started to notice, was fitting back into old clothes, and having people comment on my weight loss.
    I was very big though, I can't speak for people who only have about that much to lose in total. :)
  • nikkiclaire123
    yes im experiencing this although ive only lost a tiny amount of weight compared to you.

    i think weight comes off other places first, like the face, and i think stomach could be the last.