T25 for non-gym days or body weight exercises

A friend recently gave me DVDs for this program that they no longer want. I already have a fairly set gym schedule of cardio and some resistance training, but I'm looking to add something for the days that I either don't go to the gym or I don't have time to go to the gym. I'm a little unsure over whether I want to start T25 for my non-gym days as I have a very small apartment and I do *not* wear gym shoes or any shoes in my apartment. I live in Asia so taking your shoes off at the door is normal, plus add in a hot and humid climate and I don't want to get whatever gets on my shoes onto the floor where I'm walking barefoot. Because of this, I've considered just doing some body weight exercises instead.

I do better with structured type things, which is why I'm considering the T25, because body weight exercises are easy to say "i'm done" after 5 minutes. But I do need to start adding in a bit more of resistance training and weight training to my life.

My current schedule is:
Monday: LesMills Body attack
Tuesday: Used to do LesMills Cxworx plus weight machines but the instructor just left the gym so I have a vacuum in my schedule. I can do BodyCombat at 8 PM if I want, but it's a little late for me.
Wednesday: Usually an off day for me.
Thursday: Bodyattack
Friday: If I'm not planning on going out, or I'm not exhausted from the week I can do a bodypump/cxworx combo class
Saturday: rest day as I'm usually running around doing errands
Sunday: Bodypump. Sometimes if I go on Friday I skip this day though.

If you would advise doing some portion of T25, what tracks would you suggest I focus on or just follow the calendar and do what I can?

Or should I just force myself to do body weight exercises on the days I have off or that I can't make the gym?

Thanks all ahead of time!