Sugar and Protein intake

Hi everyone, Im new to myfitnesspal and have a question about the sugar and protein intake. I have been logging in my daily food everyday and I noticed that while I never go over my calories and even excerise and never use my extra calories earned I seem to always go over my protein intake and my sugar intake. Like yesterday I had a small can of pinapple juice that I mixed with my protein power and it had 22 in sugar which when you add it to the fruit I had, Im way over. What should I do? I know that there are diets that are high protein too. Should I just look at calories, fat, etc and not look at protein and sugar or do I need to keep everything in the green?

Really need advice.


  • GymRatGirl13
    GymRatGirl13 Posts: 157 Member
    It all depends on your goals. Everyone will have a "right" answer for you on this, but it is individual to your goals. How much do you exercise? What kind? Protein is essential and going over the tiny amount recommended by MFP isn't going to hinder fat loss, as long as you are within your calorie range. As for the sugar part, if you are just trying to lose fat at a healhty, slow rate, with intentions of keeping it off for a lifetime, I wouldn't worry too much about sugar from fruit, veggies, etc. Now, getting sugar from extra sources is a different story and will slow fat loss. Avoid the typcial things with sugar..cookies, cake, etc. I don't drink calories either. That includes juice, sports drinks, flavored coffee, etc. They have the kind of "extra" sugar that doesn't provide much bang for my buck. Fruit is LOADED with antioxidants that is nutritious, so the sugars are "worth it" to me. Make sense?
  • danyleewell
    danyleewell Posts: 61 Member
    Yes that makes sense, thank you. My personal goal is to loss about 40 pounds and keep it off. I drink at least one protein shake a day and have been drinking a lot of water with a dash of crystal light or caffeine free diet Pepsi. I only have the soda once every couple days but for me that is good cause its all I use to drink. I do eat a lot of things that are high in protein like I have been trying to eat protein at every meal. For example today I had two eggs with ¼ cheese, but my lunch is going to be 5oz of grilled turkey with ½ sugar free peas. I know I will end up having protein at dinner too. As for sugar, I use 3 packs a splenda in my coffee but do use creamer that has sugar but also try to eat fruit at every meal which takes me over in sugar.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    deleted... double post.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Most people are more than fine going over on protein. Most people actually should go over, as MFP's default protein goals is pretty low. Sugar, like sodium, is a finer detail that most people don't need to worry about, especially when they are just starting out. Unless you have a reason to track sugar and sodium, I'd stop tracking them entirely. Focus on the bigger pieces - total cals, fats, carbs, protein, exercise, sleep - and then you can worry about rest if you so choose.
  • GymRatGirl13
    GymRatGirl13 Posts: 157 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track. Protein at every meal is ideal. You have cut down on diet pop, so that is awesome, too. One step at a time. Jacksonpt hit it right on the head. You're doing fine. Don't overthink things. The only time I worried about every sugar that I put in my body was when I was competing in figure shows. I had to get down to dangerously low bf levels. Otherwise...just keep it basic. You will see results. :-)
  • danyleewell
    danyleewell Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the advice, I really appreicate it!