Starting MyFitnessPal and A New Me :-)

Deblyh Posts: 14 Member
Hi, my name is Debbie and although I joined MFP some time ago I merely glanced it over. I am almost 60 years old and carrying around far too much extra pounds. I know now it's harder to come off and will take a slow committed approach ...but am excited to try to do it with you all. I am a wife, mom and grandmother which keeps smiling and young(ish). Today I also started the C25K for exercise, whew, but managed Day 1. Would love if any of you would care to join me along this journey (again ) My favorite saying, to motivate myself is "This time next year, you will be glad you at least started" Have a great day.


  • awood2785
    awood2785 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck Debbie! I'm wanting to start the C25K program too! I'm planning on first training for a 5K and would love to do several next year and then train for a half marathon. And I love your motto- very motivating!