My menstrual cycle is all messed up now



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Before, they would be so painful- cramps, full blown heavy bleeding, with clots (I know, gross, but it's true) about two days of that, and then moderate to light bleeding for another 3. I had to make sure I was wearing my period panties, because no matter what I did, I leaked at least ONCE every cycle.

    Yes that was me. Except I leaked pretty much twice a day wearing two ultra thin overnight pads back to back (the always infinity ones). So awful.

    Now I don't even mind them, I don't even need two pads most days except maybe the first one, it's just the idea that I ovulate then get it the next day that's just really odd.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Mine have actually become more bearable as I'm losing. I did notice a pattern, though, the less I ate the more irregular my cycle. Not doing that again.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Hormones are stored in fat so when a woman loses fat, more hormones are surging around the body messing everything up.

    See! I knew there was a good reason to keep feeding my wife ice cream. I thought the taste was making her happier but it turns out that it's sucking up all the hormones and sedating her apparently. Anytime I get the suspicious notion that it's that time I buy buckets of ice cream. There will be no free-floating hormones at my house. No sir!
  • LishLash79
    LishLash79 Posts: 562 Member
    I have.. its been horrible.. its lasts forever, PMS is terrible, after the week is over, its even worse, I get migraines like crazy during it all..

    This all started when I lost weight and started heavy lifting. Apparently (according to Dr and Naturopath) I have a hormone imbalance because the chemical balance shifted so much with the weight loss? Too much estrogen, not enough progesterone.. often weight loss and lifting can stop a period, not for me.. (Wah.. I want no period.)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Good to double check with a doc, but changing your eating and exercise most definitely can affect your cycle.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    I have not had mine in several months.. I have PCOS tho but for the last few years mine have come every month. I have had a lot of life changes tho.. weight loss, stress from job security and being a single parent and i lost my father to cancer a few months ago so there could be several factors with mine. :frown:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Well... my experience isn't to weight loss. But my periods are usually heavy and painful, both at menstruation and ovulation, and recently, they are coming closer together (about 20 days apart). I have endometriosis and the doc suspects that I might also have PCOS. Be sure to have the doctor do some bloodwork and take a look at your hormones.

    Unless you have a super low body fat percentage, odds are this isn't related to weight loss.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    I haven't had my period for 7 months and I've had all the tests; pregnancy, blood, ultrasounds, thyroid etc... Would love to hear some suggestions as to what to do next. I ate 1200 calories for like 5 months without eating exercise calories and I wonder if this might have caused some damage..

    Yes, it certainly would have. What to do next is eat at your maintenance calorie intake until your period returns.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    This thread has calmed me down so much more than any of you realise. ^^
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i dont think ive had a period since i began on july 22nd. im a lesbian, so far from being pregnant. wtf
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    If you're not getting a period, something is OFF. Period. There's no good reason a woman would stop menstruating (unless she's going through menopause or has yet to start her period). You should get your hormone levels checked--odds are your estrogen levels have declined (which can have an adverse impact on your bone density) or your LH/FSH ratios are out of proportion or synchronicity.
  • BurningAway
    Wow what a mess. Seriously. For years, I've had regular periods, absolutely horrible ones though, very heavy and painful. Plus the lovely joy of having horrible cramps when I ovulate (started after I did IVF).

    The last 3 months though, I ovulate (horrible cramps still), and the next day my period shows up. So I pretty much have it 2 weeks after the last one ends! I guess it's a good thing I'm not trying to get pregnant. My period is light and so much better, but still.

    Has anyone else noticed huge changes in their cycle with weight loss? I'm seeing a GYN tomorrow and expecting to run some tests.

    Yes, i skip periods usually but honestly they have been so much better pain wise since i started exercising ovulation hurts a bit more but yoga usually helps that pain as well for me anyways. I also noticed a severe change in the amount, overall id say mine is much better then it was before. With IVF when did you start this? This could be the ultimate reason why yours are they way they are now especially if you have already undergone the shots and such, did u have a successful pregnancy with IVF? If not your body will ovulate more since they are fertility drugs, also your not having two periods, spotting is an ovulation sign sometimes it may be heavy and is a very good sign that your fertile.

    (All this was told to me by Beaumont fertility specialists as ive got a bicornate uterus. )
  • BurningAway
    If you're not getting a period, something is OFF. Period. There's no good reason a woman would stop menstruating (unless she's going through menopause or has yet to start her period). You should get your hormone levels checked--odds are your estrogen levels have declined (which can have an adverse impact on your bone density) or your LH/FSH ratios are out of proportion or synchronicity.

    With heavy exercise its very common for a womens menstural cycle to decrease and sometimes stop due to the extra stress she is putting on her body, this isnt a bad thing but it is certainly a sign your body is under stress if it is causing the woman discomfort or worry its recommended that she slow down her exercises and gradually increase back to where she was.

    This was told too be my Gynecologist about three months ago when i was having what i thought were pregnancy symptoms as well as a missed cycle.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    If you're not getting a period, something is OFF. Period. There's no good reason a woman would stop menstruating (unless she's going through menopause or has yet to start her period). You should get your hormone levels checked--odds are your estrogen levels have declined (which can have an adverse impact on your bone density) or your LH/FSH ratios are out of proportion or synchronicity.

    With heavy exercise its very common for a womens menstural cycle to decrease and sometimes stop due to the extra stress she is putting on her body, this isnt a bad thing but it is certainly a sign your body is under stress if it is causing the woman discomfort or worry its recommended that she slow down her exercises and gradually increase back to where she was.

    This was told too be my Gynecologist about three months ago when i was having what i thought were pregnancy symptoms as well as a missed cycle.

    It is a bad thing if you want a properly working reproductive system.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    I am regular still but I do spot at ovulation which I never used to. However this may be more to do with my age (perimenopausal, perhaps) rather than the effects of diet change and exercise.

    One thing I know for sure is that regular steady workouts make my cramps lighter (thus the flow is lighter), and PMS is controlled more.
  • rednose83
    rednose83 Posts: 20 Member
    The timing of mine hasn't changed. The flow and intensity have gotten much more bearable though. Oh, and it's only 3 days instead of 7. A HUGE plus in my book :)
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    I get really weird periods due to have PCO. Some months i don't have any at all, other months i get really heavy ones that last a week, or they'll be heavy for 2-3 days then stop. It's really annoying cause i can't tell when it'll be. Although recently i'm getting cramps first luckily lol
  • Bobbiezilla
    Bobbiezilla Posts: 157 Member
    Wish I had seen this thread yesterday :) I put hubby on high alert.... Dear, it could be
    1. Nothing
    2. Changes due to weight loss
    3. Pregnancy
    4. Miscarriage

    My TOM has been like clockwork on the ONLY birth control I like, I'm sure my early spotting is normal due to weight loss over the last 3 1/2 months.....had to put hubby on yellow alert though so I didn't have to worry alone.....or spring a surprise later! ;-)
  • ImSoOTired
    ImSoOTired Posts: 186 Member
    I'm the opposite. 2011 I was at my heaviest (without being pregnant) at around 180. I had cycles as long as 70 days and the husband and I wanted to ttc so it was hard to track ovulation without a period for so long. I missed a lot of periods. I lost about 30lbs in 4 months using MFP and my cycle came back to normal but with a vengeance. I definitely see how losing/gaining weight can mess with cycles.
    In Feb and March of 2012 I had 2 perfect 28 day cycles but they were super heavy and very painful. Then I got pregnant. I was 152lbs at the time. I resumed having periods in May of this year after I stopped breastfeeding and I was on the mini pill. I began bleeding every two weeks and I still am even though I've stopped the pill. I have a Gyn appt later this month so I hope that he has some suggestions on how to return to a 28 days cycle. I'm 3 lbs away from pre preg weight now so losing weight hasn't helped regulate the shorter cycles.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    New meds or stopping old meds can mess with your cycle too.
    Hang in there.