Health Gift 2014

It's now less than 3 months until the end of 2013. Got me thinking about putting all my effort into one "health gift" to myself. I checking out all my personal issues and one came up. I've always had back issues - 2006 was the worst though with recurring sciatica and confirmation of disc herniation. Things have gotten better and are manageable now. My gift to myself this year though is to get past "manageable".....I want to give myself the gift of a strong, healthy back. From now until New Years, I am committing to myself to do something daily to meet that need. I don't want to wake up achy in my shoulders anymore. I want to be able to get rid of all my back creams, pain pills and other "cover ups". By New Years Day, I want to be able to say that I am better than I was now (I guess it's an early New Years Resolution....LOL). My back issues are my "excuse" not to do many fixing this, I will be better. I will be healthier. I will be accountable to myself.

If you had to pick one gift to give yourself, what would it be? Get it to be something specific. How often are you going to work on it? How will you measure your progress?


  • rolemodel69
    You need to strenghten your back muscle, a good resistance training program would be adequate for you. A good program like Chalean Extreme, 90 days, has a lot of resistance training workouts and some cardio, will help you lose weight and increase your muscle mass.